ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Motivation for the Present Research1.2 Literature Review1.2.1 Earlier Studies of Verbal Substitution1.2.2 Earlier Studies of Verbal Ellipsis1.2.3 Contrastive Studies on Verbal Substitution and Ellipsis in English and Chinese1.3 Aim and Methodology1.4 Layout of the ThesisChapter 2 Cohesion,Context vs.Verbal Substitution and Ellipsis2.1 Cohesion vs.Verbal Substitution and Ellipsis2.1.1 Cohesion2.1.1.1 Text Study and Cohesion2.1.1.2 Cohesion2.1.1.3 Cohesion and Coherence2.1.2 Cohesion vs.Verbal Substitution and Ellipsis2.2 Context vs.Verbal Substitution and Ellipsis2.2.1 Context2.2.2 Context vs.Verbal Substitution and EllipsisChapter 3 Comparison of Verbal Substitution between English and Chinese3.1 Substitution3.1.1 Substitution and Reference3.1.2 Types of Substitution3.2 Verbal Substitution in English3.2.1 Verb "Do" Halliday and Hasan's Classification of Verb "Do" R.Quirk's Classification of Verb "Do"3.2.2 Verbal Substitute "Do" with Its Varied Forms as a Cohesive Device3.2.2.1 Verbal Substitute "Do" Verbal Substitute "Do So"3.3 Verbal Substitution in Chinese3.3.1 Verbal Substitutes "干","弄","搞"3.3.2 Verbal Substitute"来" With Antecedents3.3.2.2 Without Antecedents3.4 A Contrastive Analysis of Verbal Substitution in English and Chinese3.4.1 Similarities3.4.2 DifferencesChapter 4 Comparison of Verbal Ellipsis in English and Chinese4.1 Ellipsis and Substitution4.2 Classification of Ellipsis4.2.1 Halliday and Hasan and Hu Zhuanglin's Classification of Ellipsis4.2.2 Quirk et al's Classification of Ellipsis4.3 Verbal Ellipsis in English4.3.1 Lexical Ellipsis4.3.1.1 Lexical Ellipsis in Terms of Sentence Constituents4.3.1.2 Lexical Ellipsis in Terms of the Position of the Verbs4.3.2 Operator Ellipsis4.4 Verbal Ellipsis in Chinese4.4.1 Lexical Ellipsis4.4.2 Operator Ellipsis4.5 A Contrastive Analysis of Verbal Ellipsis in English and ChineseChapter 5 Application of Verbal Substitution and Ellipsis Study to Translation5.1 Translation and Cohesion5.2 Factors in Determining Frequency of Cohesive Devices5.2.1 The Typology of Text5.2.2 Psychological Pattern5.3 Translation of Verbal Substitution and Ellipsis between English and Chinese5.3.1 Translation of Verbal Substitution5.3.1.1 Translation of Verbal Substitution from English to Chinese5. Full Repetition of Substitute5. Partial Repetition of Substitute5. Omission of Substitute5. Conversion of Other Cohesive Forms for Verbal Substitution5.3.1.2 Translation of Verbal Substitution from Chinese to English5.3.2 Translation of Verbal Ellipsis between English and Chinese5.3.2.1 Translation of Verbal Ellipsis from English to Chinese5. Repetition of Ellipsis5. Complement of the Omitted5. Conversion of Cohesive Devices5.3.2.2 Translation of Verbal Ellipsis from Chinese to EnglishChapter 6 ConclusionBIBLIOGRAPHY
标签:英汉对比论文; 动词性替代论文; 动词性省略论文; 翻译论文;