Abstracts摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Overview of Cognitive Context1.1 Description of Traditional Context1.1.1 General Introduction of Traditional Context1.1.2 Limitations1.2 Description of Cognitive Context1.2.1 Scripts1.2.2 Schemata1.3 Characteristics of Cognitive Context1.3.1 Cognition1.3.2 Gestalt1.3.3 Humanity1.3.4 DynamicsChapter 2 Interplay Between Cognitive Context and Written Communication2.1 Description of Written Communication2.1.1 Definition of Written Communication2.1.2 Nature of Written Communication2.2 Participants Engaged in Written Communication2.3 The Interplay Relation Within Written Communication2.3.1 Writers’Estimation of Readers’Cognitive Context2.3.2 Writers’Restriction on Readers’Cognitive Context2.3.3 Readers’Expectation Influencing Writers’Thoughts2.4 Principles Involved in Comprehending Written CommunicationChapter 3 Ways of Constructing Cognitive Context in Written Communication3.1 Construct of Cognitive Context Through Background Knowledge3.2 Construct of Cognitive Context Through Mutual-Manifest3.3 Construct of Cognitive Context Through Text Resources3.3.1 Modality3.3.2 Text Topic3.3.3 Text Organization PatternsChapter 4 Methodology of the Research4.1 Objectives4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.3.1 Questionnaire4.3.2 Interview4.4 Procedures4.5 Data Collection and Analysis4.5.1 Data of Questionnaire and Analysis4.5.2 Data of Interview and Analysis4.5.3 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAppendixAppendix 1Appendix 2AcknowledgementsResume
标签:认知语境论文; 书面语篇论文; 建构论文; 互动论文;