摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One Thought, Language and Translation1.1 Relationship between Thought and Language1.2 Relationship between Thought and Translation1.3 Relationship among Thought, Language and TranslationChapter Two Main Differences between Chinese Thought Pattern and English Thought Pattern2.1 Definition of Thought Pattern2.2 Dialectical Thinking vs. Formal-Logical Thinking2.3 Synthetic Thinking vs. Analytic Thinking2.4 Thinking in Images vs. Thinking in Concepts2.5 Differences in the Distance between Subject and Object2.6 Inductive Thinking vs. Deductive Thinking2.7 Spiral Thinking vs. Linear ThinkingChapter Three Reflections of the Two Thought Patterns on Both Languages3.1 Analytic and Synthetic- Analytic3.1.1 Morphological Classification of the Chinese and the English Languages3.1.2 Tense of English Language3.2 Paratactic and Hypotactic3.2.1 Features of the Formation of the Chinese and the English languages3.2.2 Embodiment of Parataxis and Hypotaxis in Chinese and English languages3.3 Concrete and Abstract3.3.1 Image-Oriented Expressions of the Chinese Language3.3.2 Concept-Oriented Expressions of the English Language3.3.3 Comparison of the Concept-Oriented Expressions between Chinese and English Languages3.4 Dynamic Description and Static Description3.4.1 Dynamic Tendency of the Chinese Language3.4.2 Static Tendency of the English language3.5 Subjective and Objective3.5.1 Emphasis of the Subjectivity of the Chinese Language3.5.2 Emphasis of the Objectivity of the English languageChapter Four Methods Adopted in C-E Translation4.1 Treatment of the Paratactic and the Hypotactic Expressions4.1.1 Transformation of Chinese texts into English Clauses4.1.2 Translating Chinese texts into Prepositional Phrases4.1.3 Translation of Chinese texts with participles or infinitive Structures4.1.4 Replacement of Chinese texts with Fixed Compound Structure4.2 Methods of translating the Image-Oriented and the Concept-Oriented expressions4.2.1 Translation of the Chinese nouns4.2.2 Translation of the Chinese verbs4.2.3 Translation of the Chinese Adjectives4.3 Translation of the Dynamic and the Static expressions4.3.1 Adoption of the English Adjectives4.3.2 Employment of the English nouns4.3.3 Borrowing of the English prepositions4.4 Treatment of the Subjective and the Objective expressions4.4.1 Replacement of the Animate Subjects with the Inanimate Subjects4.4.2 Reconstruction of the Inanimate-subject Sentences4.4.3 Adoption of the “It is4.4.4 Transformation of the Chinese Sentences into English in Passive voicesConclusionBibliographyAppendicesAcknowledgements
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标签:思维模式论文; 差异论文; 反映论文; 汉英翻译论文; 策略论文;