本文研究的目的是探究一所地方性高校所开设的英语报刊阅读课程中英语专业学生的批评性阅读能力和批判性思维能力的相关性。本研究主张批评性话语分析应该与批判性思维理论相结合,重视批判性思维的形成。本研究旨在探索在外语课堂中开展一项批评性课程的实践,通过引导学生进行批评性的报刊阅读以培养学生批判性思维的能力和特质。本研究的重点是如何通过批评性地研读文本使学生在加深对社会和政治等领域事务的理解的同时实现批判性思维的成长。本研究主要采用定性分析的研究方法。Savage (1998)指出,批判性思维具有不可预测性,且难以用客观测试的办法进行评估。本研究也认为,定量分析的方法不能为本研究提供充分描述和解释。本研究收集了学生访谈、观察、和学生的自我评价资料,并且对其中的一个各案进行了具体详细的分析,目的是了解批评性话语分析的重要概念与其特定的教学特点对促进学生思维能力的作用。本研究的结论:第一,本文认为,将批评性话语分析、批评性阅读与报刊英语课程整合,可以有效培养学生的批评语言意识,并对学生的批判性思维的成长发挥积极作用。第二,在外语课堂上,提高学生的语言交际能力始终是一个主要任务,同时也是批判性思维的一个重要方面。第三,批评性阅读既具有个体性又具有社会性,因为在此过程中,阅读者既要进行批判性思维、作出评价,又要对文本的意义解读进行协商。
AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Rationale1.1.1 Why Critical Reading (CR)?1.1.2 Why Newspaper Texts?1.1.3 Why Critical Thinking (CT)?1.2 Research Question1.3 Research Procedure1.4 The Significance of the Study1.5 The Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Critical Discourse Analysis and Critical Thinking2.1 Introduction2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)2.2.1 CDA: Definitions2.2.2 CDA: Theoretical Background and Methodologies2.2.3 CDA: Application in EFL Teaching2.3 Critical Language Awareness and Critical Literacy2.3.1 Critical Language Awareness (CLA)2.3.2 Critical Literacy (CL)2.3.3 Critical Media Literacy (CML)2.3.4 Critical Language Awareness/Critical Literacy Instruction2.4 Critical Discourse Analysis and Critical Thinking2.4.1 CDA and CT: Commonalities2.4.2 CDA and CT: Incorporation into the Critical Project2.5 Some Relevant Theoretical Frameworks2.5.1 Fairclough’s Three-Level CDA Framework2.5.2 Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar2.5.3 Wallace’s Critical Reading Framework2.6 SummaryChapter 3 Critical Thinking in Critical Reading3.1 Introduction3.2 Critical Thinking3.2.1 CT: Origin and Development3.2.2 CT: Definitions3.2.3 CT: Pedagogical Significance3.2.4 CT: Pedagogical Applications3.2.5 CT: Assessment3.2.6 CT: Challenges3.3 Critical Reading3.3.1 CR: Definitions3.3.2 Critical Thinking in Reading3.4 A Five-Step Critical Thinking Framework for Teachers3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Critical Reading in the Classroom4.1 Introduction4.2 The Research Methodology for the Classroom Study4.3 Classroom Procedures4.3.1 Determine Learning Objectives4.3.2 Teach Through Questioning4.3.3 Practice Active Learning4.3.4 Review, Refine and Improve4.3.5 Provide Feedback and Assessment of Learning4.4 Data Analysis and Discussion4.4.1 Analysis of the Material: Who Is the Reader?4.4.2 Analysis of the Student Interview4.4.3 The Student Self-Evaluation of CT (Pretest)4.4.4 The Student Self-Evaluation of CT (Posttest)4.4.5 Analysis of the Student Self-Evaluation of CT4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Introduction5.2 A Summary of Major Findings5.3 Limitations of the Present Study5.4 Implications for Future StudiesReferencesAppendix 1 Guide to Rating Critical & Integrative ThinkingAppendix 2 Advertisement or Article?
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标签:批评性分析论文; 批评性阅读论文; 报刊英语论文; 批判性思维论文;