摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Necessity of research on the HVTE English teaching1.1.1 The requirements and the aim of HVTE English teaching1.1.2 The situation of HVTE English teaching at present in China1.1.3 The problems with English learning at vocational colleges1.2 Significance of this researchChapter 2 Theories Concerning TBLT2.1 Definition of Task2.2 Task-based approach2.3 Rationales for task-based learning2.4 Implementation of Willis’s framework2.5 A brief comparison between TBA and traditional teaching methodology2.6 Advantages of task-based approach2.7 ConclusionChapter 3 Rationale for Implementing TBLT in English Listening & Speaking Teaching at Vocational Colleges in China3.1 Traditional ways of teaching listening and speaking3.1.1 Inappropriate teaching concepts3.1.2 Affective factors of students3.1.3 Big size of the class3.2 Cultural differences3.3 The relationship between listening and speaking3.4 Advantages of teaching listening and speaking through TBLT3.4.1 Improving communicative competence3.4.2 Providing more chances for students3.4.3 Motivating students’ interest3.4.4 Promoting interactionChapter 4 The Framework of TBLT Implementation4.1 Interactive process4.2 Goals of task-based listening and speaking class4.3 Principles of designing listening and speaking tasks4.3.1 The Authenticity Principle4.3.2 The Form-function Principle4.3.3 The Task Dependency Principle4.4 Implementation of task in listening and speaking teaching4.5 Procedures of implementation4.5.1 Pre-listening-and-speaking stage4.5.2 While-listening-and-speaking stage4.5.3 Post-listening-and -speaking stage4.6 Samples of TBLT implementation in English listening & speaking teaching at vocational collegesChapter 5 Suggestions For More Effective Application of TBA to English Listening & Speaking Teaching5.1 An Investigation on the present situation of TBA application at vocational colleges5.1.1 Data Collection5.1.2 Review on the investigation5.2 Problems and disadvantages of TBLT in listening and speaking classrooms5.3 Suggestions for improvementChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 A Brief summary of the paper6.2 Limitations of the present studyBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements个人简历发表的学术论文
标签:任务教学法论文; 高职论文; 英语听说教学论文; 教学效果论文;