Chinese AbstractAbstractChinese SynopsisIntroductionChapter One Problems in Listening and Speaking Teaching in Junior High Middle Schools in China1.1 The Problem of Educational System1.2 The Problem of Teaching Condition1.3 The Problem of Teachers1.4 The Problem of Students1.5 The Problem of Lack of Cultural Background KnowledgeChapter Two Theoretical Bases for the Communicative Listening and Speaking Teaching in Junior High Middle Schools2.1 The Theory about Communicative Language Teaching2.1.1 About Communicative Competence2.1.2 The Concept about Communicative Language Teaching2.1.3 Characteristics of Communicative Language Teaching2.1.4 The Aims of the Communicative Language Teaching2.1.5 The Principles of Communicative Language Teaching2.1.6 The Typical Communicative Class2.2 The Input and Output Hypothesis Theory2.2.1 The Input Hypothesis Theory2.2.2 The Output Hypothesis Theory2.2.3 The Interaction Hypothesis2.3 Theory about English Listening and Speaking Teaching in Junior High Middle Schools2.3.1 English Listening Teaching Theory2.3.2 English Speaking Teaching Theory2.3.3 Close Connection between Listening and SpeakingChapter Three Application of Communicative Approach to the Teaching of English Listening and speaking in Junior High Middle Schools3.1 Principles of the Communicative-based Patterns in the Teaching Process3.1.1 Making the Teaching Process Communicative3.1.2 Making the Teaching Process Interactive3.1.3 Making the Teaching Process Varied3.2. Strategies for the Listening and Speaking Teaching3.2.1 Strategies for Listening Teaching3.2.2 Strategies for Speaking Teaching3.2.3 Integrating the Culture Education in English Listening and Speaking Teaching3.2.4 Learner-centered3.3 Teaching Models for Communicative Listening and Speaking Lessons3.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate Input Materials3.3.2 Warming-up Activities (Free Talk)3.3.3 Lead in3.3.4 Input3.3.5 Output and InteractionChapter Four An Experiment on the Communicative Approach in English Listening and Speaking Teaching4.1 Objective of the Study4.2 Subject4.3 The instruments4.4 The proceduresConclusionReferencesAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:交际法论文; 听说教学论文; 交际能力论文;