AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Purpose of the Study1.3 Overview of the StudyChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 The Definition of Metaphor2.2 Classifications and Recognition of Metaphor2.2.1 Classification of Metaphor2.2.2 Metaphor Recognition2.3 The Development of Metaphor Theories2.3.1 Traditional Theories2.3.2 Pragmatic Theories2.3.3 Cognitive Theories2.3.4 Studies on Metaphor in ChinaChapter Ⅲ Theoretical Background3.1 An Introduction of Relevance Theory3.1.1 Ostensive-inferential communication3.1.2 Contextual effect3.1.3 Cognitive principle3.2 Studies on cognitive context3.2.1 Definition of Context3.2.2 Previous Studies on Context3.2.3 Cognitive Context in Relevance TheoryChapter Ⅳ A Case Study of Interpreting Metaphors in American NewsDiscourse4.1 An Introduction of News Discourse4.2 Metaphor Interpretation4.3 The Role of Cognitive context in Interpreting Metaphor4.3.1 A Case Study of Interpreting Metaphors in American News4.3.2 The Relevant Role of Cognitive context in metaphor understandingChapter Ⅴ Conclusion5.1 Conclusion of the Research5.2 Limitation of the ResearchWorks CitedWork Published during My Graduate Study
标签:隐喻论文; 隐喻理解论文; 关联理论论文; 认知语境论文;
用关联理论阐述认知语境对隐喻理解的作用 ——以美国新闻为例