AcknowledgementsABSTRACT摘要A List of Tables and FiguresChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Research1.2 Research Design1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Theoretical Framework and Literature Review2.1 Theoretical Framework2.1.1 Explanatory Models to Gender Differences2.1.2 Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Theory2.1.2.1 Notion of “Face” Face-Threatening Acts2.1.2.3 Face- Saving Act and Politeness Strategies2.1.3 Gu Yueguo’s Politeness Principles2.2 Literature Review2.2.1 Definition of Positive Politeness Strategy2.2.2 Definition of Gender and Sex2.2.3 Previous Relevant StudiesChapter Three Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Instrument3.3 Subjects3.4 Data Collection3.5 Data AnalysisChapter Four Results4.1 Gender Differences in the Use of Language in relation to Sex of Addressee4.1.1 Same-sex4.1.2 Cross-sex4.2 Gender Differences in the Use of Language in relation to Social Distance4.2.1 Acquaintance4.2.2 Close Friend4.3 Gender Differences in the Frequency of Using Positive Politeness StrategiesChapter Five Discussion5.1 Gender Differences in the Use of Nicknames5.2 Gender Differences in the Use of Abusive Terms5.3 Gender Differences in the Use of Shared Dialect5.4 Gender Differences in the Use of Inclusive Terms5.5 Gender Differences in the Use of Humorous Expressions5.6 Gender Differences in the Frequency of Using Positive Politeness Strategies5.7 Other Gender Differences in the Use of Positive Politeness StrategiesChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Limitations6.3 Recommendation for Future ResearchAppendicesBibliography
标签:性别差异论文; 积极礼貌策略论文; 语言使用论文;