ABSTRACT摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Study1.2 Research Methodology and Data Collection1.2.1 Contrastive Study1.2.2 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis1.2.3 Data Collection1.3 Research Procedure1.4 Outline of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definitions of Key Terms2.1.1 Text and Texture2.1.2 Theme and Rheme2.1.3 Thematic Progression2.1.4 Cohesion and Coherence2.2 Halliday's Classification of Theme2.3 Previous Studies on Application of TP pattern to Discourse AnalysisChapter 3 Thematic Progression Patterns and Research Framework3.1 TP Patterns3.1.1 TP Patterns Abroad3.1.2 TP patterns in China3.2 Research FrameworkChapter 4 Results and Discussions4.1 Analysis of English and Chinese Sample4.1.1 Analysis of one English Sample4.1.2 Analysis of One Chinese Sample4.2 Presentation of Statistic Results4.2.1 Statistic Results in English and Chinese Financial Reports4.2.2 Similarities and Differences of the Choices of TP Patterns between English and Chinese Financial Reports4.3 TP patterns as Cohesive Devices4.4 New Findings:Ellipsis Theme4.5 Reasons for Similar Choices of TP Patterns in Two Languages4.5.1 Generic Perspective4.5.2 Cognitive Perspective4.6 Reasons for Different Sequences of TP Patterns in Two Languages4.6.1 Parataxis and Hypotaxis4.6.2 Human-manipulated and Regulation-manipulated4.6.3 Open Beginning and Open Ending4.6.4 Different Thinking PatternsChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further StudyBIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIXACKNOWLEDGEMENTSPUBLISHED PAPERS
标签:主位论文; 述位论文; 主位推进模式论文; 英汉财经报道论文; 对比分析论文;