




  • Chinese Abstract
  • Abstract
  • Chinese Synopsis
  • Synopsis
  • Chapter One Introduction
  • 1.1.Status quo of worldwide research on English grammar teaching
  • 1.2.The Purpose and significance of the present study
  • 1.3.The Basic Approach Adopted for the Present Study and its hypothesis
  • Chapter Two An Overview of Grammar and Grammar Teaching
  • 2.1.What is Grammar?
  • 2.1.1.Definition of grammar
  • 2.1.2.Three dimensions of grammar:form,meaning and use
  • 2.2.The significance of grammar in language and language teaching
  • 2.2.1.The important place of grammar in language
  • 2.2.2.The importance of grammar in L2 or FL instruction
  • 2.2.3.Grammar as a necessary component of English teaching in China
  • 2.3.Questions arising in grammar teaching
  • 2.3.1.The shortcoming of traditional grammar teaching
  • 2.3.2.Current modules of grammar teaching
  • Chapter Three An Overview of Task-based Teaching Approach and The Context..of Chinese Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
  • 3.1.Definition of task
  • 3.2.The features of task and its components
  • 3.2.1.The features of task
  • 3.2.2.Task components
  • 3.3.Task-based Approach
  • 3.3.1.The relevant theories
  • 3.3.2.Characteristics and principles of TBA
  • 3.4.The significance of TBA in English teaching in China
  • 3.4.1.The context of Chinese foreign language teaching and learning
  • 3.4.2.The features for the current English textbooks for senior high school
  • 3.4.3.The advantages of using TBA in China teaching and learning context
  • Chapter Four Combination of Enabling Tasks and Communicative Tasks in Grammar Teaching
  • 4.1.Enabling tasks and Communicative tasks
  • 4.1.1.Enabling tasks
  • 4.1.2.Communicative tasks
  • 4.1.3.The relationship between"Enabling tasks" and "Communicative tasks"
  • 4.2.The principle of task designing
  • 4.3.Task designing in grammar teaching
  • 4.3.1.The rules of grammar teaching
  • 4.3.2.Effective and less effective ways of grammar teaching
  • 4.3.3.Process of grammar teaching
  • 4.4.Interaction in grammar teaching
  • 4.4.1.Definition of interaction
  • 4.4.2.Two objectives by using interaction to implement tasks in grammar teaching
  • 4.5.Cooperative learning in grammar teaching
  • Chapter Five Case Study
  • 5.1.Sample design on a task-based grammar teaching
  • 5.1.1.Some basic information about this unit
  • 5.1.2.Teaching procedures
  • 5.2.Summary
  • Chapter Six An Experimental Study
  • 6.1.An experiment
  • 6.1.1.The aim of the experiment
  • 6.1.2.Procedure
  • 6.1.3.Results and its analysis
  • 6.2.An analysis of the questionnaire
  • Chapter Seven Conclusion
  • 7.1.Major findings
  • 7.2.Limitations
  • 7.3.Some suggestions for further study
  • References
  • Appendixl Paper for pre-test of grammar
  • Appendix2 Paper for post-test of grammar
  • Appendix3 Students' scores on the pre-test and post-test
  • Acknowledgements
  • 相关论文文献

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