基于对计算机辅助英语课堂教学的一些迷惑,本文试图探讨对以下两个问题的见解:一是在计算机辅助教学环境中,计算机的应用是如何影响教师自身角色的变化;二是在实际的教学环境中,教师如何反思自己的角色。文献部分对教师角色变化的回顾揭示了不同时期的教育理念以及教学环境对教师角色的发展和定位起着至关重要作用。从教育发展的不同阶段看,教师角色随着教师职业发展含义的变化而不断的被定义和呈现。从实际的教学环境看,教师对自身角色的理解和定位也受到多种因素的影响。在基于计算机辅助的语言课堂教学中,教师在新技术威力的影响下也不可避免的要改变自己的角色并将自己的新角色定位为教学中的反思者和学习者。本文依托Dick Allwright的探索性实践理论以及Wenger所提出的群体学习理论,提出了在计算机辅助英语课堂上应该把关注‘课堂生活质量’放在首位,通过教师之间或师生之间的合作学习来促进教师在新环境下的对自己角色的重新认识和定位。同时,本文采用Foucault关于权利关系这一体现在教学管理方面的批评话语理论以及Paulo Freire的关于教育解放这一反映教师通过反思以达到争取教学自主权的批评教育学理论。前者揭示了教师在学校环境中的地位一方面是课堂教学的控制者,另一方面又是学校各种规定和政策的被控制者,因此,他们的角色不断地被塑造。而后者则揭示了教师应该在各种不合理的、来自管理机构及技术权威的话语中成为具有反思和批评思维的研究者,同学生一起进行平等的、合作的学习。为了进行本案研究,本文对三位有着不同教学经历的教师进行了两次了深入的访谈,并同他们在后来的研究中一同探讨,最后对他们的课堂教学进行了实地考察并作了听课笔记。这两次访谈一方面揭示了计算机在课堂教学中的的应用深刻地改变了教师在传统教学中的位置并引发了教师对自身角色的反思和重新定位,另一方面揭示了教师在新的教学环境中是如何寻求自身的解放和对教育现状进行批判。课堂观察则作为理解教师在实际工作中的角色定位。通过对三位教师的访谈、讨论、听课、录音、话语分析,本论文研究发现:1)教师间或师生间应加强合作学习以改变以往陈旧的教学理念,在计算机辅助教学环境下将关注点放在在提高“课堂生活质量”上而不是“教学质量”上;2)针对课堂教学中越来越依赖计算机技术的现象,教师应发展批评思维来构想出自己运用技术手段教学的“最佳做法”,即根据自身需要、教学目标、学生以及课堂要求而设定的教学框架;3)面对涉及计算机辅助英语教学中不尽人意的工作环境,教师应该具有一定的批评思维能力来帮助自身同来自学校管理层的、强加于教师身上的各种要求进行斗争从而解放自己并明晰自己在教学中的角色。
AcknowledgementsAbstract内容摘要Chapter One Introduction1. The Rise of My Puzzle2 The Research AimChapter Two Literature Review1 Introduction2 Teacher Change and Learning3 Teacher Change in Different Stages of Teacher Professional Development3.1 Teachers as Artists3.2 Teachers as Trainers3.3 Teachers as Learners3.4 Teacher as Clinicians3.5 Teachers as Reflective Practitioners4 Teacher Change and the Educational Environment5. The CAI-Based Language Teaching Environment and the Shifting Role of the Teacher5.1 The Exaggerating Power of New Technology5.2 The Model of Teachers' Adoption of Educational Technology5.3 Teachers' Dilemma in the CAI-Based Teaching Environment5.4 Unchanged Mode of Instruction under the Dominance of New Technology5.5 What the Computers Can and cannot do5.6 New Mode of Knowing in Computer-Based Learning Community5.6.1 The Discourse of Knowledge, Power and Traditional Mode of Knowing5.6.2 How the Mode of Knowing Shifts under the Dominance of Technology5.6.3 Developing New Mode of Teaching and Learning in the Computer-Based Learning CommunitiesChapter Three Theoretical perspectives of This Study1 Introduction2. Integration of the New Technology into Learning Community2.1 Social Learning Theories on Language Learning Communities2.1.1 Vygotsky's Theory of Learning and Communiies2.1.2 Wenger's Social Theory on Language Learning Communities2.2 Constructivism and the Shift of Teaching and Learning3 Transformation of Teachers as Lifelong Learners3.1 Important Notions in Transformation Theory3.2 Fostering Transformative Learning among Teachers4. EP Theory on Teachers as Research Practitioners4.1 The Aim of EP: Pursuit of Harmonious Classroom Life4.2 Understanding Seven Principles of EP for Practitioner Research5. Critical Theories on Power Relations and Teachers' Liberation5.1 Foucault's Concept of Power Relations Embodied in Teaching Discourse5.2 The Critical Theory on the Use of Technology in Classrooms5.3 Paulo Freire's Education Theory5.3.1 Paulo Freire's Critical Pedagogy Theory5.3.2 The Important Principles of Freire's PedagogyChapter Four Methodology1 The Research Setting2 Participants: Three Teachers3 Data Collection4 Data AnalysisChapter Five Results of Data Analysis1 Findings of the First Interview2 Analysis of the Puzzles in the Three Teachers2.1 Teacher Confidence and Belief in the Context of the CAI2.2 Using the Computer to Support Collaborative Learning as New forms of Teaching and Learning2.3 Critical Uses of Technology Applications in the English Classroom2.4 Computer-Assistant Classroom English Teaching and Teacher's Autonomy3. Findings in the Second Interview with the Three Teachers3.1 The Three Teachers' Views of their' Roles in the CAI-Based Classrooms3.2 Further Contextual Barriers on Teachers Changing Traditional Roles in the CAI-Based Classroom3.2.1 Impact of School Policies on Teacher's Freedom in Using Technology3.2.2 Impact of Exam Requirements on Teacher's Commitment to Integrative Use of CAI into Classroom Teaching3.2.3 The Impact of Teaching Evaluation on Teachers' Classroom Teaching3.3 Academic Research and Teachers' Embarrassing Roles in Professional Context4 Findings in the Three Teachers Classrooms4.1 Problem-posing Pedagogy in CAI: Ms. Pan's Classs4.2 Valuing Silence: Ms Feng's Intensive Reading Classes4.3 Computer as Facilitator of Constructivist Learning: Ms. Zheng's Intensive Reading Class5 SummaryChapter Six Discussion and Implications1 Sticking to the Use of Exploratory Practice to Explore Puzzles2 Focus on the Pursuit of "quality of life" rather than on "quality of work" in the Computer-Based Classroom3 Equiping Teachers with Critical Mindset to Face the Unsatisfactory Context of Teachers'WorkChapter Seven ConclusionBibliographyAppendicesAppendix I: The Tape-script of the First InterviewAppendix II: The Tape-script of the Second InterviewQuestion One: Can you describe how you think of the role you play in the computer-assisted English teaching environment?Questions Two: Can you describe how the school policies affect your freedom in CAI-Based classroom teaching?Question three: What inspiration can you get from the participation in this study?Appendix III: Some Notes-Taking of the Class ObservationEpisode One: In Ms. Pan's ClassroomEpisode One: in Ms. Feng's ClassroomEpisode Three: In Ms. Zheng's Classroom
标签:教师角色论文; 计算机辅助课堂教学论文; 合作学习论文; 探索理论论文; 批判性话语分析论文;