![管窥美国跨文化交际研究 ——评析《跨文化交际读本》35年变迁](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/6324464475d84c6db87013f1.webp)
AcknowledgementAbstract中文摘要IntroductionChapter One Analysis on the Organization of Each Edition1.1 Shaping a Valid Structure (Edition 1-2)1.2 Reaching the Valid Structure (Edition 3-6)1.3 Modification (Edition 7-10)1.4 New Structure (Edition 11)1.5 SummaryChapter Two Essays Included in the 11 Editions2.1 Approaches to Intercultural Communication2.1.1 Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication2.1.1.1 Defining Culture2. Examining 8 Definitions of Culture2. Dialectic Nature of Culture2.1.1.2 Defining Communication2.1.1.3 Relationship between Culture and Communication2.1.1.4 Defining Intercultural Communication2.1.1.5 Major Cultural Variables of Intercultural Communication2. Perceptual Elements2. Verbal Process2. Nonverbal Process2. Some Other Variables2. Personality2. Roles and Role Prescription2. Context2.1.2 Summary2.2 Cultural Identity2.2.1 Understanding Cultural Identity2.2.2 Ethnical Identity2.2.2.1 Ethnic Relations2.2.2.2 White Identity2.2.2.3 Gender Identity2.2.3 Summary2.3 Verbal and Nonverbal Languages2.3.1 Verbal Communication2.3.1.1 Language and Culture2. Linguistic Relativity2. Language and Problem Solving2. Discourse Analysis2. Problems Caused by Language Attitude2.3.1.2 Translation and Interpretation2. Translation2. Interpretation2.3.1.3 Language Variation2. Foreign Languages2. English as a Second Language2. Languages of American Co-Cultures2. Language of African-American Community2. Languages of Other Co-Cultures2.3.2 Nonverbal Aspects2.3.2.1 General Studies of Nonverbal Communication2.3.2.2 Nonverbal Communication in International Cultures2.3.2.3 Nonverbal Aspects of Some American Co-Cultures2.3.3 Summary2.4 Cultural Contexts2.4.1 Group Communication2.4.2 Multicultural Classrooms2.4.3 Counseling2.4.4 Health Care2.4.5 International Business2.4.5.1 International Negotiation2.4.5.2 Business Practices in Other Countries2. Doing Business with Asian Countries2. Doing Business with European Countries2. Doing Business with Mexicans2.4.5.3 Multinational Organizations2.4.6 Courtrooms2.4.7 Summary2.5 Communicating Interculturally2.5.1 General Intercultural Communication Problems2.5.2 Solutions to Problems Encountered in Intercultural Communication2.5.3 Communication with Specific Cultures2.5.4 Intercultural Training2.5.5 Cultural Adaptation2.5.6 Intercultural Communication Competence2.5.7 Conflict Management2.5.8 Summary2.6 Ethical Considerations2.6.1 Intercultural Communication Ethics2.6.1.1 Intercultural Communication Ethics in Certain Contexts2.6.2 Future Orientations2.6.3 Issues to Be Dealt With2.6.3.1 Issue of Cultural Diversity2.6.3.2 Specific Issues2.6.4 SummaryChapter Three Discussion and Conclusion3.1 Discussion3.2 ConclusionAppendix( See List of Tables)References
标签:跨文化交际论文; 美国论文; 文化论文; 拉里萨默瓦论文; 理查德波特论文;
管窥美国跨文化交际研究 ——评析《跨文化交际读本》35年变迁