Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Cognitive Theories on SI1.1 Gile's Effort Model of SI1.2 Schema Theory1.3 Relevance Theory1.4 Working MemoryChapter Two Anticipation in SI2.1 Anticipation as an Effective Strategy in SI2.2 Sources and Types of Anticipation in SI2.3 Effects of Anticipation on SI PerformanceChapter Three Task Preparation and Its Impacts on Anticipation in SI3.1 Preparation in SI3.1.1 Task Preparation:A Necessity3.1.2 Types of Task Preparation3.1.3 Sources of Preparation3.1.4 Significance of Preparation on Anticipation in SI3.2 Impact of Preparation on Anticipation3.2.1 The Impact of Language Proficiency on Anticipation3.2.2 The Impact of Thematic Build-Up on Anticipation3.2.3 The Impact of Situational Information on AnticipationChapter Four An Empirical Study4.1 Hypothesis4.2 Method:Think-Aloud Protocol4.3 Subjects4.4 Experimental Material4.5 Procedures4.6 Experiment Results and Analysis4.6.1 Categorization of the Data4.6.2 Analysis of the DataChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Findings of the Present Study5.2 Implications for Interpreting Training5.3 Limitations of the Present Study5.4 Suggestion for Further StudiesAppendix One Speech for the InterpretationAppendix Two Reference TranslationAppendix Three Raw Data of the ExperimentBibliographyAcknowledgements
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