
本文在竞争模型(Bates & MacWhinney,1982,1989)的框架下探索词汇语义在句子理解中的作用。通过对竞争模型文献的回顾我们发现,该模型没有足够的线索代表词汇语义信息。首先,仅有的语义线索是生命性,但是,竞争模型研究采用的都是要求有生命名词作为主语的简单动词。这种选择性用词所带来的问题是,生命性效应是单纯由生命性引起的还是由于使用了简单动词而引起的?其次,虽然竞争模型承认词汇语义是一类线索,但除了生命性之外,名词的其它语义特征在该模型中并没有被提及。再次,竞争模型中没有代表动词语义的线索。但是,越来越多的研究表明,词汇语义是句子理解中的重要信息。任何句子理解的理论如果不承认词汇语义的作用都很难成立。 为了解释词汇语义在句子理解中的作用,本文提出了一条代表动词和名词语义的线索:论元特征满足度。我们假设,名词—论元投射是句子理解的重要部分,这是一种多对多的投射。在句子理解中,名词为了投射到功能层上的论元而相互竞争。论元带有语义特征,如果一个名词比另一个名词满足一个论元更多的语义特征,那么该名词在对那个论元的特征满足度就比较高,更有可能被投射到该论元上。 为了检验该假设,我们做了三个实验。实验采用常用的施事辨认作业,受试被要求辨认出及物动词简单句中的施事。三十个汉语单语受试和三十个英语单语受试参加了实验。实验一的目的是检测生命性效应是否是使用简单动词的产物。实验使用了三类动词:简单动词、刺激物—感知者动词(简写为SE动词)和非词动词。实验二的目的是探索论元满足度在句子理解中的作用。实验区分了三种论元特征满足度:第一种包括动词倾向选择第一个名词作为主语的句子,第二种包括动词倾向选择第二个名词作为主语的句子,在第三种情况里,动词对两个名词都没有特定的倾向。实验三有两个目的,一是探索生命性之外的其它名词特征在句子理解中的作用,二是检验名词—论元多对多投射的假设。在实验中,生命
AbstractAcknowledgementAbbreviationList of FiguresList of TablesCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Research orientation1.2 Sentence processing: a Competition Model perspective1.3 Research rationale1.4 SummaryCHAPTER 2 THE COMPETITION MODEL: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND EMPIRICAL STUDIES2.1 Overview2.2 Sentence processing2.2.1 Approaches to sentence processing2.2.1.1 The principle-based approach2.2.1.2 The constraint-based approach2.3 The Competition Model2.3.1 Form-function mapping2.3.2 Coalition in form-function mapping2.3.3 Competition of cues in form-function mapping2.3.4 Cue strength2.3.4.1 Task frequency2.3.4.2 Cue validity2.3.4.3 Cue cost2.3.5 Research paradigm2.3.5.1 Design2.3.5.2 Materials2.4 Empirical studies in support of the Competition Model2.4.1 Monolingual sentence processing2.4.2 Cross-linguistic comparisons of sentence processing2.4.3 Second language sentence processing2.5 Comparisons of Chinese and English sentence processing strategy2.6 SummaryCHAPTER 3 A BROADER PICTURE OF CUES IN THE COMPETITION MODEL3.1 Overview3.2 Cues in Form-Function Mapping3.2.1 Definition of Cues3.2.2 Cues in the prosodic level3.2.3 Cues in the morphological level3.2.4 Cues in the syntactic level3.2.5 Cues in the lexical semantic level3.3 Lack of cues in representing lexical semantics3.4 The role of lexical semantics in sentence processing3.5 Potential difficulties for the Competition Model3.5.1 Reanalysis of the animacy effect3.5.2 The role of verb semantics3.5.3 The role of nominal semantics3.6 SummaryCHAPTER 4 A POSSIBLE CUE TO BE TESTED: ARGUMENT SPECIFICATION SATISFACTION4.1 Overview4.2 Research questions4.3 a possible cue for lexical semantics4.3.1 Argument Specification4.3.2 Noun-argument mapping4.3.3 Argument specification satisfaction4.3.4 Sentence processing as many-to-many noun-argument mapping4.3.5 ASS as a source of the animacy effect4.3.6 Animacy per se effect4.4 Hypotheses for the research questions4.5 Overview of the empirical study4.5.1 Introduction4.5.2 Rationale of the experiments4.5.3 The experiments4.5.3.1 Participants4.5.3.2 Materials4.5.3.3 Arrangement of the experiments4.5.3.4 Experimental task and procedures4.6 SummaryCHAPTER 5 DECOMPOSING THE ANIMACY EFFECT: VERB SEMANTICS AND ANIMACY PER SE5.1 Introduction5.2 Experiment 15.2.1 Hypotheses5.2.2 Design and stimuli5.2.3 Subjects and procedures5.2.4 Predictions5.2.5 Results5.2.5.1 Overview of the results5.2.5.2 Processing of real verb sentences5.2.5.3 ASS effect: reanalysis of the data5.2.5.4 Animacy per se effect: processing of nonword verb sentences5.2.5.5 A general picture of the animacy effect5.2.6 DiscussionCHAPTER 6 ARGUMENT SPECIFICATION SATISFACTION AS A SEMANTIC CUE6.1 Introduction6.2 Experiment 26.2.1 Hypotheses6.2.2 Design and materials6.2.3 Subjects and procedures6.2.4 Predictions6.2.5 Results6.2.5.1 Processing of Chinese sentences6.2.5.2 Processing of English sentences6.2.5.3 Summary of the results6.2.6 DiscussionCHAPTER 7 COMPETING FOR BOTH ARGUMENTS: THE ROLE OF NOMINAL semantics7.1 Introduction7.2 Experiment 37.2.1 Hypotheses7.2.2 Design and stimuli7.2.3 Subjects and procedure7.2.4 Predictions7.2.5 Results7.2.5.1 Processing of Chinese sentences7.2.5.2 Processing of English sentences7.2.5.3 Summary of the results7.2.6 DiscussionCHAPTER 8 GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION8.1 Overview8.2 major findings for the research questions8.3 Representing lexical semantics in the Competition Model8.3.1 ASS as a semantic cue8.3.2 The animacy per se effect8.3.3 The animacy effect in simple verb sentences8.3.4 The animacy effect in SE verb sentences8.4 Implications ofthe present study8.4.1 Implications for the Competition Model8.4.2 Implications for sentence processing in general8.5 Limitations of the present study8.6 Recommendations for further studies8.7 SummaryAPPENDICESAppendix 1: Languages that have been investigated under the Competition ModelAppendix 2: Materials for Experiment 1Appendix 3: Materials for Experiment 2Appendix 4: Materials for Experiment 3Appendix 5: Experiment 1 Chinese processing data: first-noun choice percentageAppendix 6: Experiment 1 English processing data: first-noun choice percentageAppendix 7: Experiment 2 Chinese processing data: first-noun choice percentageAppendix 8: Experiment 2 English processing data: first-noun choice percentageAppendix 9: Experiment 3 Chinese processing data: object-position noun choice percentageAppendix 10: Experiment 3 English processing data: object-position noun choice percentageREFERENCES:
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标签:句子理解论文; 竞争模型论文; 词汇语义论文; 语义线索论文; 论元结构论文;