AcknowledgementsAbstract in ChineseAbstract in EnglishPreface in ChineseChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Study1.2 Research Questions and Purposes of the Thesis1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Theoretical Background2.1 Model of Grammar under MP2.2 Some Basic Operations2.3 Phase TheoryChapter 3 Literature Review3.1 Sluicing3.2 Approaches to the Representation of Sluicing3.2.1 Two Schools of the Analysis of Sluicing3.2.2 Distinguishing LF Copying Approach from PF Deletion Approach3.2.2.1 Arguments for and against PF Deletion Approach3.2.2.2 Arguments for and against LF Copying Approach3.3 Licensing Conditions on Sluicing3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Identity Condition on Sluicing4.1 LF Syntactic Identity and its Problems4.1.1 LF Syntactic Identity under VP Ellipsis4.1.2 Problems for LF Syntactic Identity under Sluicing4.2 Semantic Condition and its Problems4.2.1 Semantic Condition under Sluicing4.2.2 Problems for Semantic Condition:Beginnings of a Revised Proposal4.3 A New Proposal of Identity Condition on Sluicing:Semantic+Weak SyntacticIdentity4.3.1 Preposition Stranding4.3.2 Voice Alternation4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Island Repair in Sluicing5.1 Comprehensive Cases of Island Repair in Sluicing5.2 Previous Accounts and Their Problems5.2.1 Chomsky(1972)5.2.2 Merchant(2001,to appear)5.2.3 Fox and Lasnik(2003)5.2.4 Problems for Previous Accounts5.3 A New Approach to Island Repair in Sluicing5.3.1 Cyclic Linearization5.3.2 Cyclic Linearization and Ellipsis.A Novel Proposal of Island Repair in Sluicing5.3.3 Explaining Data5.4 A Solution to Potential Problems:Scope Parallelism5.4.1 Implicit Correlates5.4.2 Focused Correlates5.5 SummaryConclusionReferencesAppendix攻读学位期间发表论文目录
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标签:截省句论文; 等同条件论文; 孤岛修复论文; 循环线性化论文;