作者(2019)在《Plastic anisotropy calculation of severely-deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy considering texture changes in electron backscatter diffraction》一文中研究指出:The investigation studied the plastic anisotropy of the severely-deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy by considering texture changes.The sample deformed via asymmetrical rolling under cross-shear condition was annealed at 598 K where recrystallization was in progress.It is found upon annealing that the intensity of Cube({001}100)was comparable to those of plane-strain components while the intensities of shear components remained constant despite their instabilities in the recrystallization regime.After annealing,the average Lankford value(■)of the present sample was close to a unity whereas the in-plane anisotropy(r)decreased,resulting in nearly isotropic characteristics of Al-Mg-Si alloy.
The investigation studied the plastic anisotropy of the severely-deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy by considering texture changes.The sample deformed via asymmetrical rolling under cross-shear condition was annealed at 598 K where recrystallization was in progress.It is found upon annealing that the intensity of Cube({001}100)was comparable to those of plane-strain components while the intensities of shear components remained constant despite their instabilities in the recrystallization regime.After annealing,the average Lankford value(■)of the present sample was close to a unity whereas the in-plane anisotropy(r)decreased,resulting in nearly isotropic characteristics of Al-Mg-Si alloy.
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标签:Journal of Materials Science & Technology2019年07期论文;
:Plastic anisotropy calculation of severely-deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy considering texture changes in electron backscatter diffraction论文