摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research significances1.1.1 Theoretical significance1.1.2 Practical significance1.2 Research purpose and questions1.3 Research methodology1.4 Outline of the researchChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Studies on explicitation and implicitation2.1.1 Definitions of explicitation and implicitation2.1.2 Classifications of explicitation and implicitation2.1.3 Strategies for explicitation and implicitation in translation2.1.4 Factors affecting explicitation and implicitation in translation2.2 Translation of political texts2.2.1 Characteristics of political text translation2.2.2 Explicitation and implicitation in political text translation2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Explicitation and Implicitation in the Translation of Premier Wen Jiabao’s Government Work Report 20103.1 Brief introduction to Premier Wen Jiabao’s Government Work Report 2010 and its translation3.2 Strategies analysis of explicitation and implicitation in the translation of the Report3.3 Classifications of explicitation and implicitation in the translation of the Report3.3.1 Ideational explicitation and implicitation3.3.2 Interpersonal explicitation and implicitation3.3.3 Textual explicitation and implicitation3.3.4 Syntactic structure explicitation and implicitation3.4 A comparison of explicitation and implicitationChapter 4 Factors Affecting Explicitation and Implicitation in the Translation of Premier Wen Jiabao’s Government Work Report 20104.1 Language system factor4.2 Socio-cultural factor4.3 Textual factor4.4 Receptor factor4.5 Translator factorConclusionRevisiting the research questionsImplicationsLimitations and suggestions for further researchesReferenceAppendix A 详细中文摘要Acknowledgements
标签:显化论文; 隐化论文; 政治文本翻译论文; 动因论文;
政治文本翻译的显化与隐化研究 ——以温家宝总理2010年政府工作报告英译为例