Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Related concepts of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter two Literature Review2.1 Interlanguage2.1.1 The Formation of Interlanguage2.1.2 Characteristics of Interlanguage2.1.3 The Interlanguage Continuum Hypothesis2.2 Theoretical Framework of Fossilization Study2.2.1 Definition of Fossilization2.2.2 Categorization of Fossilization2.2.2.1 In Terms of Learners:Individual vs.Group Fossilization2.2.2.2 In Terms of Nature:Temporary vs.Permanent Fossilization2.2.2.3 In Terms of Language Aspects:Phonological,Lexical,Grammatical Fossilization2.2.3 Current Research of Causes of Fossilization2.3 Error Analysis2.3.1 Significance of Error Analysis2.3.2 Procedures of Error AnalysisChapter Three Study on the Causes of Fossilization3.1 An Empirical Research3.1.1 Subject3.1.2 Instrument and Procedure3.1.3 Data Collection3.2 Analysis of the Cause of Fossilization3.2.1 Criteria of Error Identification3.2.2 Analysis and Category of the Errors in the Research3.2.2.1 Fossilization in Lexis3.2.2.2 Fossilization in Grammar3.2.2.3 Analysis of the Fossilization Errors3.2.3 Analysis of Causes of Fossilization Phenomena in Writing3.2.3.1 Subjects' Unfavorable Learning Motivation3.2.3.2 Teacher's Ineffective Feedback to Errors3.2.3.3 Subjects' Negative Transfer3.2.3.4 Subjects' Negative Affective State3.2.3.5 Subjects' Lack of Exposure to the TLChapter Four Strategies Dealing with the Fossilization in Writing4.1 To Promote Learners' Motivation4.2 To Provide Right Feedback4.3 To Reduce Chance of L1 Interference and L2 Interference4.4 To Reinforce Learners' Awareness of Fossilized Errors and Grammar4.5 To Provide Accurate and Appropriate L2 InputChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Conclusion5.2 Limitation5.3 Implication for English Language TeachingBibliographyAppendix:A Partial Collection of ErrorsAcknowledgements
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标签:中介语论文; 石化论文; 错误分析论文; 英语教学论文;