摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One Necessity of the Translator’s Aesthetic Psychology Exploration in Literary Translation1.1 Translator: the Core of Translation1.2 The Phases of Translation1.2.1 Pre-Translation Phase1.2.2 Understanding Phase1.2.3 Reproductive Phase1.3 Nature of Literary Translation1.4 Necessity of Combining Literary Translation and Aesthetic Psychology1.4.1 Relationship between Translation and Aesthetics1.4.2 Literary Translation as an Aesthetic Psychological ProcessChapter Two Aesthetic Subject and Object in Literary Translation2.1 Original Text as the Aesthetic Object in Literary Translation2.1.1 Form2.1.1.1 Phonetic Features2.1.1.2 Syntactic Features2.1.2 Content2.1.2.1 Image2.1.2.2 Figures of Speech2.2 Translator as the Aesthetic Subject in Literary Translation2.2.1 Culture Accomplishment2.2.2 Language Competence2.2.3 Aesthetic Experience2.3 Relationship between Aesthetic Subjects and Objects in Literary TranslationChapter Three Analysis of Translator’s Aesthetic Psychology in Literary Translation3.1 Precondition of Translator’s Aesthetic Mentality in Pre-translation Phase3.1.1 Aesthetic Attitude3.1.2 Aesthetic Capability3.2 Translator’s Aesthetic Psychology in Understanding Phase3.2.1 Empathy3.2.2 Other Psychological Elements in Translator’s Aesthetic Process3.2.2.1 Aesthetic Sensation and Perception3.2.2.2 Aesthetic Association and Imagination3.2.2.3 Aesthetic Feeling3.2.2.4 Aesthetic Understanding3.3 Basic Means for Aesthetic Representation in Reproductive Phase3.3.1 Imitation3.3.1.1 SL-Oriented Representation3.3.1.2 TL-Oriented Representation3.3.1.3 Dynamic Imitation3.3.2 ReproductionConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementAppendices
标签:文学翻译论文; 审美主体论文; 审美客体论文; 移情论文; 模仿论文;