AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Rationale and Objectives1.2 Data Collection1.3 Outline of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Pragmatic-orientated Approach2.2 Cognitive Approach2.3 Conversation-analytic Approach2.4 Comments on Previous StudyChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Conversational Context3.1.1 Immediate Context3.1.1.1 Immediate Physical Context3.1.1.2 Immediate Linguistic Context3.1.2 Context in Broad Sense3.1.3 Context in Relevance Theory3.1.4 Choice of a Context3.2 Speech Act Theory3.2.1 Utterance and Its Force3.2.2 Three Kinds of Speech Act3.2.3 Indirect Speech ActsChapter Four Misunderstanding in Conversational Interaction4.1 Definition of Misunderstanding4.1.1 Misunderstanding as a Common Sense Category4.1.2 Misunderstanding and Its "Family" Misunderstanding vs.Miscommunication4.1.2.2 Misunderstanding vs.Non-understanding4.1.2.3 Misunderstanding vs. Pragmatic Failure4.1.2.4 Misunderstanding vs. Deliberate Misinterpretation4.1.3 Summary4.2 Classification of Misunderstanding4.2.1 Mismanagement of Utterance Context4.2.2 Misunderstanding of Speaker's Specific Intention4.2.3 Misunderstanding of Connotative Meaning4.2.4 Over Interpretation4.3 Causes for Misunderstanding4.3.1 Ambiguity4.3.1.1 Polysemy4.3.1.2 Homonymy4.3.2 Presupposition4.3.3 Different Focuses4.3.4 Speaker Knowledge of the Hearer4.3.5 Cultural Discrepancy4.4 Avoidance of Misunderstanding4.5 Application of Misunderstanding in Literary Works4.5.1 Humor in Conversational Interaction4.5.2 Misunderstanding as a Trigger of Humor in Literary Works4.5.3 Misunderstanding vs. Deliberate Misunderstanding in Producing HumorChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary of the Thesis5.2 Findings and ImplicationsBibliography
标签:误解论文; 言语交际论文; 幽默论文; 语境论文; 意图论文;