AcknowledgementAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Basic Concepts of Interpretation1.1 Definition of Interpreting1.2 The Two Most Widely-Used Forms of Interpretation1.2.1 Consecutive Interpretation1.2.2 Simultaneous Interpretation1.3 Basic Steps of Interpretation1.3.1 Listening and Comprehension1.3.2 Reorganization in Target Language1.3.3 Reformulation1.4 Basic Characteristics of Interpretation1.4.1 Extemporaneous1.4.2 Instantaneous1.4.3 High Pressure and Heavy Responsibilities1.4.4 Good Comprehensive Abilities1.4.5 Immediate Feedback1.5 Interpreter Qualities1.5.1 Acute Hearing1.5.2 Good Pronunciation1.5.3 Good Memory and Quick Response1.5.4 Wide-ranging Knowledge1.5.5 A Strong Sense of Responsibility1.6 Major Literature on InterpretingChapter Two Listening Comprehension in Interpretation2.1 The Effort Models by Daniel Gile2.1.1 The Listening and Comprehension Effort2.1.2 The Production Effort2.1.3 The Memory Effort2.1.4 The Effort Models2.2 Comprehension in Interpretation2.2.1 Speech Perception2.2.2 Word Recognition2.2.3 Sentence Comprehension2.2.4 Discourse Comprehension2.3 Characteristics of Listening Comprehension in InterpretationChapter Three Listening Comprehension Barriers3.1 Listening Comprehension Barriers in View of Linguistic Knowledge3.1.1 Listening Comprehension Barriers in Phonetic System3.1.2 Listening Comprehension Barriers in Lexical System3.2 Listening Comprehension Barriers in View of Extra-Linguistic Knowledge3.2.1 Subject Knowledge3.2.2 Cultural Knowledge3.2.3 Situational Knowledge3.3 Listening Comprehension Barriers in Psychological Factors of Interpreter3.3.1 Anxiety3.3.2 PreoccupationChapter Four Memory in Interpretation4.1 Types of Memories4.1.1 Sensory Stores4.1.2 Short-term Memory4.1.3 Long-term Memory4.2 Operating Processes of Memory in Interpretation4.2.1 Recognition of Information4.2.2 Retention of Information4.2.3 Retrieval of Information4.3 Major Characteristics of Memory in Interpreting4.3.1 Sensory Memory: “Deliberate”Memorizing4.3.2 Short-term Memory: Outstanding Performance4.3.3 Long-term Memory: Forgetting While Interpreting4.4 Memory and Comprehension4.4.1 Nature of memory in interpreting4.4.2 Nature of Comprehension in interpreting4.4.3 Memory and ComprehensionChapter Five Training of Listening Comprehension and Memory5.1 Training of Listening Comprehension5.1.1 Successful Listening Comprehension in Interpreting5.1.2 Teaching Strategies5.2 Training of Memory Competence5.2.1 The Importance of Memory Training5.2.2 Teaching Techniques5.3 Coping Strategies in Listening Comprehension and Memory5.3.1 The Acquisition of Knowledge Preparation5.3.2 Summarizing5.3.3 Anticipation5.3.4 Note-takingConclusionBibliography
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