Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 On Language Tests and Language Ability1.1 On Language Testing1.1.1 A History Review of Language Testing1.1.2 Approaches to Language Testing1.1.3 Classification of Language Tests1.1.4 Evaluation of Language Tests1.2 Testing of Reading Comprehension1.2.1 The Nature of Reading --- An Interactive Process1.2.2 Components of Reading Tests1.3 Models and Operation of Language Ability1.3.1 Communicative Competence1.3.2 Modifications of Communicative Competence1.3.3 An Expanded New Model1.3.4 Limitations of the Model1.3.5 Further ExplanationsChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 ResearchWork on TBLA2.1.1 Basic Notion of TBLA2.1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of TBLA2.1.3 Implementation of TBLA2.2 ResearchWork on Tasks2.2.1 Definition of Tasks2.2.2 Types of Tasks2.2.3 Implementation of Tasks2.3 ResearchWork on Task Features2.3.1 Task Complexity2.3.2 Task Difficulty2.3.3 Task Condition2.4 ResearchWork on Task Design2.4.1 The Authenticity Principle2.4.2 The Form-function Principle2.4.3 The Task Dependency PrincipleChapter 3 The Current Study3.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses3.2 Design of the Study3.2.1 Design of the Reading Test3.2.2 Design of the Survey3.2.3 Design of the Questionnaire3.3 Methodology of the Study3.3.1 Participants3.3.2 Administration3.3.3 Data Collection and Data AnalysisChapter 4 Results and Discussions4.1 Results of the Reading Test4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis4.1.2 Correlational Analysis4.2 Results of the Survey4.2.1 Descriptive Analysis4.2.2 Paired Sample T-test4.2.3 Regressive Analysis4.3 Results of the Questionnaire4.4 DiscussionsChapter 5 Implications and Limitations5.1 Implication for Task Design5.1.1 Authenticity in Task Design5.1.2 Diversity in Task Design5.1.3 Establishment of Real-life Purpose5.2 Implications for Task Difficulty5.2.1 Description of Task Difficulty5.2.2 Evaluation of Task Difficulty5.3 Limitations of the StudyConclusionBibliographyAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAcknowledgementResume
标签:基于任务的语言测试论文; 任务表现论文; 任务难度论文; 阅读测试论文;
基于任务的语言测试在大学英语测试中的应用 ——一项关于阅读测试任务表现与任务难度的研究