摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Cultural Turn in Translation Studies1.2 The Role of Cultural Factors in Literary Translation1.3 The Significance of the Research1.4 An Overview of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Current Research on Polysystem Theory and Rewriting Theory2.1.1 A Brief review of Polysystem Theory2.1.2 Research on Rewriting Theory2.2 Current research literary translation on late Qing Dynasty and during May 4th MovementChapter 3 Culture and Literary Translation3.1 Language, Translation and Culture3.2 Intercultural Translation3.2.1 Cultural Factors in Translating Activities3.2.2 Features and Functions of Translation as Intercultural Communication3.2.3 Influence and Constraint of Cultural Factors towards Translation3.3 Literary Translation3.3.1 The Definition of Literary Translation3.3.2 Ideology and Literary Translation3.3.3 SummaryChapter 4 The Cultural Turn in Translation Theory Horizon4.1 The Cultural Turn4.2 Polysystem Theory4.2.1 Description of the Theory4.2.2 The Position of Translated Literature in Literary Polysystem4.2.3 Influence of Polysystem Theory in Literary Translation4.2.4 Limitations of Polysystem Theory4.3 Rewriting Theory4.3.1 Translation as Rewriting4.3.2 Three Elements in Rewriting Theory4.3.3 Evaluation of Rewriting TheoryChapter 5 Literary Translation in Late Qing Dynasty and During May 4th Movement5.1 Literary Translation in Late Qing Dynasty5.1.1 Historical and Cultural Environment of Literary Translation in Late Qing Dynasty5.1.2 Chinese Literary Polysystem in Late Qing Dynasty5.1.3 Lin Shu’s Translating Strategy on Uncle Tom’s Cabin5.2 Literary Translation during May 4th Movement5.2.1 The Social and Cultural Environment around May 4th Movement (1911-1927)5.2.2 The Status of Literary Translation during May 4th Movement5.2.3 Lu Xun and His TranslationChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements个人简历发表的学术论文
标签:文化因素论文; 文学翻译论文; 多元系统论文; 改写论文; 翻译策略论文;
文学翻译中的文化因素探究 ——以晚清与五四时期小说翻译为例