AcknowledgmentsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Purposes of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 An overview of Functionalist Skopostheorie2.2 Foundation and development of Functionalist Skopostheorie2.3 Theoretical framework of Functionalist Skopostheorie2.3.1 The translation noumenon of Functionalist Skopostheorie2.3.2 The translation rules of Functionalist Skopostheorie2.3.3 The translation standard of Functionalist Skopostheorie2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Application of Functionalist Skopostheorie to Flight Manuals Translation3.1 Translation of the flight manuals in China3.1.1 Introduction to the flight manuals3.1.2 Development of the flight manuals translation in China3.2 The Characteristics of the flight manuals3.2.1 The word formation of English flight manuals3.2.2 Lexical features of the flight manuals3.2.3 Grammatical features of the flight manuals3.2.4 Other features of the flight manuals3.3 Inspiration on the Flight Manuals Translation from Guiding Principles of Functionalist Skopostheorie3.3.1 The Skopos rule and the flight manuals translation3.3.2 The Coherence rule and the flight manuals translation3.3.3 The Fidelity rule and the flight manuals translation3.4 SummaryChapter 4 The Translation of the Civil Aviation Flight Manuals4.1 The characteristics of the flight manuals translation4.1.1 Accuracy4.1.2 Acceptance4.1.3 Convenience4.2 The core function of the flight manuals translation4.3 Major methods for the translation of the flight manuals4.3.1 Translation methods of the flight manuals4.3.2 Translation methods of terminologies in the flight manuals4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of the thesis5.2 Limitations of the thesis5.3 Suggestions for future studiesBibliography攻读硕士学位期间科研成果
标签:功能目的论论文; 民航飞行手册论文; 翻译方法论文;