AcknowledgementsAbstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseContentsI. IntroductionII. Characteristics of Drama and Theories of Drama Translation2.1 Play, Drama, Theatre and Spoken Drama2.2 The Dual Nature of Drama2.3 Theories of Drama Translation2.3.1 Theories of Drama Translation in China2.3.1.1 Zhu Shenghao and Yu Guangzhong2.3.1.2 Ying Ruocheng2.3.1.3 Features Shared by The Three Figures2.3.2 Theories of Drama Translation in Western Countries2.3.2.1 George E. Wellwarth2.3.2.2 Clifford E. Landers2.3.2.3 Sirkku Aaltonen2.3.2.4 Susan Bassnett2.3.3 Similarities between Chinese and Western Theories of Drama TranslationIII. Nida and His Dynamic Equivalence3.1 Nida3.2 Nida's Definition of "Translation" and The Word "Message"3.3 Formal Equivalence and Dynamic Equivalence3.3.1 Formal Equivalence3.3.2 Dynamic Equivalence3.3.2.1 Definition of Dynamic Equivalence3.3.2.2 The Word "Natural" Formal Adjustments in D-E Translation3.3.2.4 Tendency to Dynamic Equivalence3.3.3 Functional Equivalence3.3.3.1 Functional Equivalence and Readers' Response3.3.3.2 Functional Equivalence and Isomorphs3.3.3.3 Formal and Functional Equivalents3.3.3.4 Drama Translation3.4 Characteristics of Nida's Dynamic Equivalence3.5 D E Translation and Its Classifications3.5.1 Closest D-E Translation3.5.2 Literal Translation3.5.3 Free translation3.6 Links between D-E Translation and Drama TranslationIV. An Analysis of Mr. Ying Ruocheng's Translation of The Common Sayings (俗语) in Uncle Doggie's Nirvana4.1 Uncle Doggie's Nirvana4.2 Common Sayings and Their Classifications4.3 The Analysis of Mr. Ying Ruocheng's Translation of The Common Sayings4.3.1 Proverbs (谚语) Closest D-E Translation4.3.1.2 Literal Translation4.3.1.3 Free translation4.3.2 Locutions (惯用语) D-E Translation4.3.2.2 Literal Translation4.3.2.3 Free translation4.3.3 Two-Part Allegorical Sayings (歇后语) Closest D-E Translation4.3.3.2 Literal Translation4.3.3.3 Free translation4.3.4 Popular Idioms (俗成语) Closest D-E Translation4.3.4.2 Literal Translation4.3.4.3 Free translationV. ConclusionBibliography
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标签:话剧翻译论文; 动态对等论文; 英若诚论文; 狗儿爷涅槃论文; 俗语论文;
A Study of Mr.Ying Ruocheng’s Translation of Common Sayings in Drama Uncle Doggie’s Nirvana From the Perspective of Dynamic Equivalence Theory