AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 The background of the study1.2 The significance of the study1.3 Outline of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Reading2.1.1 Definition of reading2.1.2 Reading models2.2 Reading Strategy2.2.1 Definition of reading strategy2.2.2 Classification of reading strategy2.3 Overview of Studies of Reading Strategy Abroad2.3.1 Contrastive study of reading strategies2.3.2 Correlation study of reading strategy use and reading comprehension ability2.3.3 Reading strategy use and individual differences2.4 Overview of Studies of Reading Strategy in China2.4.1 Contractive study of reading strategy use between successful readers and unsuccessful readers2.4.2 Correlation between reading strategies use and reading proficiency2.4.3 Study of meta-cognitive awareness and use of reading strategies2.5 Research Gaps and Research QuestionsChapter Three Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Research questions3.3 Subjects3.4 Instruments3.4.1 Questionnaire concerning English reading strategies3.4.2 Two reading proficiency tests3.5 Data-Collection3.6 Data-AnalysisChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Introduction4.2 General characteristics of reading strategies used by HVTCs4.2.1 Correlations among the three reading strategies4.2.2 The top-ten and the bottom-ten frequency used reading strategies4.3 Differences in the Use of the Three Reading Strategies between Good Readers and Poor Readers4.3.1 Overall differences in reading strategy use4.3.2 Differences in the use of meta-cognitive reading strategies4.3.3 Differences in the use of cognitive reading strategies4.3.4 Differences in the use of social-affective reading strategies4.4 Correlations between Reading Strategy Use and Reading Proficiency4.5 Gender Differences in Reading Strategy Use4.6 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Introduction5.2 Major Findings5.3 Pedagogical Implications of This Study5.4 Limitation of This Study5.5 Suggestions for Future ResearchBibliographyAppendix攻研期间发表的学术论文个人简况及联系方式
标签:高职高专论文; 英语阅读策略论文; 阅读能力论文;