中文摘要English AbstractAcknowledgementsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Research1.2 Purpose and Approach of the Thesis1.2.1 Purpose of the Thesis1.2.2 Approach of the Thesis1.2.3 Significance of the Present StudyChapter 2 Review of the Related Literature2.1 Intercultural Communication2.1.1 Basic Concept of Intercultural Communication2.1.2 Components of Intercultural Communication2.1.3 Importance of Intercultural Communication2.1.4 Problems in Studying Intercultural Communication2.2 Culture2.2.1 Concept of Culture2.2.2 Components of Culture2.2.3 Views of Culture2.3 Perceived Cultural Differences (PCD)2.3.1 Presupposition of PCD2.3.2 Concept of Model of PCD2.3.3 Advantages of PCD2.3.4 Functions of PCD2.4 Culture C2.4.1 Concept of Culture C2.4.2 The Process of Creation of Culture C2.4.3 Principles to Develop Culture CChapter 3 Language, Culture and Intercultural Communication Education3.1 Language3.1.1 Nature of Language3.1.2 The Importance of Language3.1.3 The Function of Language3.2 The Relation of Language and Culture3.3 The Aim of Intercultural Communicational Education3.4 Intercultural Communication in English-teaching in Vocational School3.5 The Tendency of Intercultural Communicational EducationChapter 4 Investigation4.1 The Present Status of Oral English in Secondary Vocational Schools4.2 Teaching Models in the Vocational School4.3 Students’Background4.4 Purpose of Investigation4.5 Sample4.6 Method4.7 Investigations4.7.1 Questionnaire I and Data Analysis4.7.2 Questionnaire II and data analysisChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Review of the Investigation (Principal Findings of the Study)5.2 Results of the Thesis5.3 Limitations of the Investigation5.4 Implications for Future Research5.5 Approaches Combined with PCD Model5.6 SummaryReferencesAppendix
标签:跨文化交际论文; 感知文化差异模式论文; 第三文化论文; 英语口语教学论文;