摘要ABSTRACT第一章 绪论(Introduction)1.1 提出问题(Questions)1.2 研究的意义(The significance of the problem)1.3 研究方法与框架图(Research methods and Framework map)1.4 研究困难(Difficult)第二章 生态村的定义与描述(Definition and Description of eco-villages)2.1 西方发达国家生态村的描述(Western developed countries, eco-village Description)2.1.1 Eco-village的由来与定义(Definition and history of Eco-village)2.1.2 产生Eco-village的国际背景(International Background of Eco-village)2.1.3 产生Eco-village的地区背景(Regional background of Eco-village)2.2 中国生态村的描述(Description of Chinese Eco-Village)2.2.1 最初目的(The initial purpose of Chinese of Eco-village)2.2.2 最初的国内外原因(The reason of Chinese of Eco-village)2.2.3 社会主义新农村建设(New socialist countryside)2.3 中西方生态村的本质(The nature of the Chinese and the western Eco-village)2.4 中西方生态村发展现状(The Development Status of Chinese and the western Eco-village)2.5 本章小结(Chapter Conclusion)第三章 西方生态村的理想及核心理论(Western ideals of eco-villages and the core theory)3.1 永续农业(Permaculture)3.1.1 永续农业的思想基础(Ideological foundation of permaculture)3.1.2 永续农业的演化过程,模式与特点(Evolution,models and features of the permaculture)3.2 循环经济(Cyclic Economy)3.2.1 循环经济的起源和思想基础(Ideological foundation of Cyclic economy)3.2.2 3R原则(3R principle)3.3 本章小结(Chapter Conclusion)第四章 中国自古一来的生态思想概述(Overview of China's ancient ecological thinking)4.1 自古以来中华民族就有热爱山水的情结(Chinese people's love of landscape)4.2 自古以来中华文化就将自然和人看成一个整体(Chinese people believe in that man and nature as a whole)4.3 中国自古以来就重视对自然的友好,经济节约和可持续发展 (Since ancient times Chinese attach great importance to nature friendly, economical and sustainable development.)4.4 中国的人定胜天的含义(the Chinese meaning of that Man will triumph over nature)4.5 本章小结(Chapter Conclusion)第五章 目前中国生态环境破坏的原因:China's current ecological environmental damage important reasons:5.1 国际社会的原因(International factors)5.2 国内制约(Domestic factors)5.3 国内的一些处理方法(Domestic response)5.4 本章小结(Chapter Conclusion)第六章 生态村的逻辑(the logic of Eco-village)6.1 经济逻辑(Economic logic)6.1.1 欧洲Eco-village是一个经济互利体系(European Eco-village is a mutually beneficial System of economic)6.1.2 运用了生态技术很多时候的确可以省钱(Money Saving)6.1.3 生态技术本身也有着重要的经济价值(The economic value of eco-technology)6.1.4 中国的生态村是为了农民增收(The Purpose Chinese eco-village is to increase income of farmers)6.2 社会生活逻辑(The logic of social life)6.2.1 Eco-village是赋予居民权利的生活空间(Eco-village is the living space that to give 1ight to the residents)6.2.2 中国古典文化的回归(The return of Chinese classical culture)6.2.3 场所精神(Spirit of Place)6.3 生理需要逻辑(The logic of Physiological needs)6.3.1 自然环境与人类健康(Natural environment and human health)6.3.2 自然环境的接触对儿童成长的影响(Natural environment and Child6.3.3 生态村的优势与特殊考量(The advantages of eco-villages and special considerati6.4 生态村的生态技术逻辑(the logic of eco-technology in Eco-Village)6.4.1 广义太阳能(Generalized solar) 建筑的朝向(The direction of building) 太阳能发电(Solar power) 太阳能热发电系统(Solar thermal power generation system) 太阳能光伏发电系统(Solar photovoltaic power generation system) 自然通风与风能利用(Natural ventilation and Wind energy) 太阳能供热(Solar heating) 被动式阳光房(Passive Solar Sunroom) 主动式太阳房(Active sun room) 太阳能热水器(Solar water heater) 太阳能缺点和能量的短时存储(Solar energy deficiencies and short-term storage) 太阳能的优点与物流:(The advantages of solar energy and logistics)6.4.2 建筑材料的选用(Building materials)6.4.3 食品(Food) 粮食生产中的能量流动与物质循环(Energy flow and material recycling of food) 现代农业的弊端(The disadvantages of modern agriculture) 轮种(Rotation) 西方生态村农业的优势与自给自足的可能性分析(Agricultural Advantage of Westem Eco-Village and Self-sufficiency Feasibility Analysis) 西方生态村可持续农业的优势(Agricultural Advantage of Western Eco-Village) 自给自足的可能性分析(Self-sufficiency Feasibility Analysis)6.4.4 水(water) 传统水的处理方法的弊端(Drawbacks of Traditional water treatment methods) 生态村的处理方法(Water treatment methods of the Eco-village)6.4.5 垃圾的处理回收利用(Waste disposal and recycling) 传统垃圾的处理方法(Traditional Waste disposal methods) 垃圾处理的软实力(Soft power of Waste disposal) 生态村的垃圾处理方法是其社会的缩影(Waste disposal methods of eco-village is a microcosm of society)6.4.6 交通(Traffic) Eco-village的经济来源与物流(Eco-village financial resources and logistics) 交通方式(Mode of transportation)6.4.7 信息技术与物流(Information Technology and Logistics)6.5 本章小结(Chapter Conclusion)第七章 生态村推广的困难与前景(Difficulties in the promotion of eco-villages and the Development prospects)7.1 经济因素使其推广困难(Economic factors make it difficult to promote)7.2 文化上的原因使其推广困难(Cultural factors make it difficult to promote)7.3 地理位置的差异使其推广困难(Differences in geographical location make it difficult to promote)7.4 效率与人才使其难于推广(Efficiency and human resources make it difficult to promote)7.5 生态村对城市的影响与展望(The impact of City on Eco-village and the Development prospects)参考文献(References)发表论文和科研情况说明(PAPER PUBLISHED AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES)致谢(Acknowledgements)
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标签:生态村论文; 可持续论文; 永续农业论文; 循环经济论文;