Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Aims of the research1.2 Significance of the research1.3 Organization of the researchChapter Two Literature Review2.1 General introduction of learning strategies2.1.1 Definition of learning strategies2.1.2 Oxford’s learning strategies2.1.2.1 Features of language learning strategies2.1.2.2 Oxford’s system of language learning strategies2.1.2.3 Mutual support among the strategies2.1.3 The Difference between Oxford's and Others' Classification2.1.3.1 O'Malley and Chamot(1990) Cohen (2000) Wen Qiufang (1996) The difference between Oxford’s classification and others’(1990)2.2 Present Study2.2.1 Studies Abroad2.2.2 Studies HomeChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Questionnaire3.3.2 Interview3.3.3 Pronunciation test paper3.3.4 Classroom observation3.4 Data collectionChapter Four Date Analysis4.1 Data analysis4.1.1 Data analysis on questionnaires4.1.1.1 Data analysis on the second part of the questionnaire4.1.1.2 Reliability analysis4.1.1.3 Data analysis on the English pronunciation learning strategies of college English majors. The comparison of pronunciation learning strategies between good learners and weak learners4.1.2 Analysis on the interview4.1.3 Analysis on classroom observation4.2 The comparison of means of six categories of pronunciation learning strategieChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Findings5.2 Implications for pronunciation teaching5.3 Limitations in the studyBibliographyAppendixPronunciation Learning Strategy QuestionnaireEnglish Pronunciation testAcknowledgementsAcademic Achievements
标签:学习策略论文; 语音学习策略论文; 高专英语专业学生论文;