摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Rationale of the Study1.2.1 The Relationship between IDs,Situational Factors,Learning Strategies,and Learning Outcomes1.2.2 Motivation and Meta-Cognitive Strategies1.3 Research Questions and Research DesignChapter Two Methodology2.1 Participants2.2 Instruments2.3 Data Collection2.4 Data AnalysisChapter Three SVSS'of Learning Motivation3.1 Definition and Classification of Learning Motivation3.1.1 Definition of Learning Motivation3.1.2 Classification of Learning Motivation3.2 Learning Motivation of SVSS3.2.1 Overall Description and Analysis of SVSS'Learning Motivation Orientations3.2.2 Detailed Description and Analysis of MotivationChapter Four SVSS'of Meta-cognitive Strategy Use4.1 Definition and Classification of Language Learning Strategies4.1.1 Definition of Language Learning Strategies4.1.2 Classifications of Language Learning Strategies4.2 Factors Affecting Language Learning Strategy Use4.2.1 Situational and Social Factors4.2.2 Individual Learner Differences4.3 Meta-cognitive Strategy Use of SVSS4.3.1 Overall Situation of SVSS'Language Learning Strategy Use4.3.2 Meta-Cognition and Meta-cognitive Strategies in SLA4.3.3 Detailed Description of Meta-Cognitive Strategy UseChapter Five Correlation between SVSS' Learning Motivation and Meta-coguitive Strategy Use5.1 Correlation between Motivation Intensity and Meta-cognitive Strategy Use5.2 Correlation between Motivation Orientations and Meta-cognitive Strategy UseChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Pedagogical Implications6.2.1 Implications for Motivation Inspiration6.2.2 Implications for Meta-Cognitive Strategy Training6.3 Limitations of the Current ResearchAcknowledgementsBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ:Motivation QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅱ:Motivation Questionnaire(Chinese Version)Appendix Ⅲ:Strategy Inventory for Language Learning(SILL)Appendix Ⅳ:Chinese Version of SILLAppendix Ⅴ:Questionnaire of Meta-cognitive Strategy UseAppendix Ⅵ:Questionnaire of Meta-cognitive Strategies(Chinese Version)Papers Published During MA Study
标签:高职学生论文; 学习动机论文; 学习策略论文; 元认知策略论文; 相关性论文;