中文摘要Abstract in EnglishChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the present study1.1.1 The significance of oral English learning1.1.2 The present situation of teaching speaking in China1.2 The structure of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The differences between children and adults in SLA2.2 Studies on Children’s SLA2.3 Related theories of the present research2.3.1 Theories of social constructivism2.3.2 Theories of interactionism2.4 Interactive Language Teaching (ILT)2.4.1 The conception of ILT2.4.2 Characteristics of ILT2.4.3 Communicative competence(CC)2.4.4 The relationships between ILT and CCChapter Three Applications of ILT in oral English class3.1 Group work3.1.1 Group work generates interactive language3.1.2 Group work offers an embracing affective climate3.1.3 Group work promotes learner responsibility and autonomy3.2 Classroom practicalities3.2.1 Interactive class planning3.2.2 Format of a class plan3.2.3 Guideline for interactive class plan3.2.4 Classroom managementChapter Four Prosody in Children’s ILT4.1 Introduction of prosody4.2 Importance of prosody in language teaching4.3 Prosody in children’s interactive teaching approach4.3.1 Prosody in intercommunication4.3.2 Application of prosody in classChapter Five Investigation and analysis5.1 The purpose of the experiment5.2 Subjects5.3 Instruments5.3.1 Questionnaire5.3.2 Data analysis instrument5.4 Experiment procedure5.5 Results and discussion5.5.1 Paired samples T test5.5.2 Independent samples T test5.5.3 Questionnaire analysis5.5.4 Discussion about the classroom observation5.6 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Findings6.2 Limitations and suggestions for future researchBibliographyAcknowledgmentsAppendix IAppendix II在学期间发表的学术论文和参加科研情况
标签:交互式教学论文; 儿童英语论文; 韵律论文;