AcknowledgementsAbstract (Chinese)Abstract (English)Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Chomsky and His Linguistic Ideas2.1 Biography2.2 Linguistic Revolution2.2.1 Three Models for the Description of Language2.2.1.1 Finite-State Grammars2. The Recursive Nature of Grammatical Rules2. A Distinction between “Terminal”and “Auxillary”Elements2.2.1.2 Phrase Structure Grammar2.3 Transformational Grammar2.4 Syntax, Semantics and PhonologyChapter Three Major Developmental Phases of Chomsky’s Linguistic Theory Phase One: Transformational Grammar3.1 Structuralism vs. TG3.2 Transformational GrammarPhase Two: Language Competence and Performance; Standard TheoryPhase Three: Extended Standard TheoryPhase Four: REST, GBPhase Five: Minimality/Minimalist Program (MP)Chapter Four The Philosophical Foundation of Chomsky’s Language Concept4.1 A Brief Introduction4.2 Realism4.2.1 Definition of Realism4.2.2 Representation and Computation4.3 Naturalism4.3.1 Methodological Naturalism and Methodological Dualism4.3.2 Language as a Natural Object4.3.3 Critiques of another View of Dualism4.3.4 Simplification4.3.5 Metaphysical Naturalism and Epistemic One4.4 Mentalism4.4.1 Tacit Knowledge4.4.2 The Mind-body Problem4.5 ConclusionChapter Five Chomsky’s Cognitive Linguistic Ideas5.1 Cognitive Revolution5.2 Modularity5.2.1 Comparison with the Ideas of Fodor And Piaget5.2.2 Quasi-modules5.3 The Definition of Learning5.3.1 E-language and I-language5.3.2 Shift of Focus5.3.2.1 Reasons for the Shift5.3.2.2 Consequences of the Shift5.3.3 Competence and performance vs I-language and E-language5.3.4 Performance vs Parsing5.4 Idealization ( Rules and Representations)5.5 ConclusionChapter Six Social Ideas of Chomsky6.1 The Anarchist’s Position6.2 Assault on Journalistic Self-censorship and Business Control of the Mass Media6.3 The Critique of American Foreign Policy6.4 Freedom and Creativity6.5 Relationship between Social Ideas and Linguistic IdeasChapter Seven Chomsky’s Bio-psycholinguistic Ideas7.1 The Mode of Language Acquisition7.2 Definition of Language Acquisition7.3 Internalist Interpretation of Language Faculty7.4 Innateness7.5 ConclusionChapter Eight ConclusionBibliography
标签:转换生成语法论文; 语言习得论文; 天性论文; 认知语言学论文; 语言学的哲学基础论文; 语言器官论文;