摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definition of Business English2.2 The Status Quo of Business English Teaching in China2.3 P-B-L Model on Cultivating Business English Talents with Applied-abilities2.3.1 Defining Features of and Studies on Project-Based Learning2.3.2 Guidelines of Project-based Learning2.3.3 Roles of Students and Teachers in Project-based Learning2.3.4 Outcomes of Project-based Learning2.3.5 Conclusion on Project-based Learning2.4 Studies on Course Design2.4.1 Definition of Course Design2.4.2 The Approaches to Course Design2.5 Needs Analysis2.5.1 Definition of Needs Analysis2.5.2 Significance of Needs Analysis in Course DesignChapter 3 Research Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Description of the Instrument and Data Collection3.4 Data Analysis3.4.1 Analysis of the feedback from the English majors3.4.2 Analysis of the Feedback from the Business English EmployeesChapter 4 Designing and Implementing the Project-based Model for Business EnglishTalents4.1 Models for Cultivating Business English Talents4.2 The Essence and Design of Project-based Model4.3 Implementing the Project-based Model for Business English Talents4.4 Implication of the Project-based Model in the Practical TeachingChapter 5 Major Findings and Pedagogical Implications for Future Business EnglishTeaching5.1 Major Findings5.2 Pedagogical Suggestions for Future Business English Teaching5.2.1 Cultivating Business English Talents with Applied Abilities as the Aim5.2.2 Adding More Courses Which Combine Both Theory and Practice5.2.3 Other Factors to be ConsideredChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary of the Study6.2 Limitation of the StudyReferencesAppendicesAppendix 1Appendix 2攻读学位期间取得的成果Acknowledgements
标签:商务英语论文; 项目学习论文; 基于项目的教学模式论文; 应用型人才论文; 课程建设论文;