摘要AbstractList of FiguresList of TablesChapter One Introduction1.1. Introduction1.2. Purposes and Significance of the Thesis1.3. Data Collection and Research Method1.4. Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1. Introduction2.2 A Review of Political Speech and the Addresser2.2.1 The Evolution of Political Speech2.2.2 Features of Political Speech2.2.3 An Introduction to Barack Obama2.3. A Review of Previous Studies on Interpersonal Meanings2.4. A Review of Previous Studies on Political Speech2.4.1 Rhetoric Perspectives on Political Speech2.4.2 Linguistic Perspectives on Political Speech2.4.3 Social-psychological Perspectives on Political Speech2.5. SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1. Introduction3.2. Theoretical Background:Systemic Functional Linguistics3.2.1 Systemic Grammar3.2.2 Functional Grammar3.3 Three Metafuctions of Language3.4 Analytical Framework:the Interpersonal Metafunction3.4.1 Mood System3.4.1.1 Speech Function3.4.1.2 Mood Types3.4.2 Modality System3.4.2.1 Types of Modality3.4.2.2 Values of Modality3.4.2.3 The Realization of Modality3.4.3 Personal Pronoun System3.4.4 Tense System3.4.5 Martin's Appraisal System3.5 SummaryChapter Four Analysis and Discussion4.1 Introduction4.2 Interpersonal Meaning Realized by Mood System4.2.1 Declarative4.2.2 Interrogative4.2.3 Imperative4.2.4 Metaphors of Mood4.2.5 Summary4.3 Interpersonal Meaning Realized by Personal Pronoun System4.3.1 First Personal Pronoun4.3.1.1 Personal Pronoun I4.3.1.2 Personal Pronoun We4.3.2 Second Personal Pronoun4.3.3 Third Personal Pronoun4.3.4 The Anticipatory4.3.5 Summary4.4 Interpersonal Meaning Realized by Tense System4.4.1. Past Tense4.4.2. Present Tense4.4.3. Future Tense4.4.4. Tense Switch4.4.4.1 Tense Switch of Inter-clause and Intra-clause4.4.4.2 Tense Switch beyond Clause4.4.5. Summary4.5 Interpersonal Meaning Realized by Modality System4.5.1. Modalization4.5.1.1 Expression of Probability4.5.1.2 Expression of Usuality4.5.2. Modulation4.5.2.1 Expression of Obligation4.5.2.2 Expression of Inclination4.5.3. Values of Modality Analysis4.5.3.1 Median Value Finite Modal Operators4.5.3.2 Low Value Finite Modal Operators4.5.3.3 High Value Finite Modal Operators4.5.4. Metaphors of Modality4.5.5. Ability and Potentiality4.5.6. Ellipsis4.5.7. Summary4.6 Interpersonal Meaning Realized by Appraisal System4.6.1. Affect4.6.2. Judgment4.6.3. Appreciation4.6.4. Summary4.7 SummayChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Introduction5.2 Major Findings5.3 Pedagogical Implications5.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:政治演讲论文; 系统功能语法论文; 人际元功能论文; 人际意义论文;