中文摘要ABSTRACTChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the research1.2 Significance of the research1.3 The study contents and methodsChapter Two Literature Reviews2.1 Coursebooks2.2 Teaching section2.3 Theories on coursebook design and compilation2.3.1 Principles of coursebook design and compilation2.3.2 Syllabuses for the coursebook design2.4 Teaching concepts related to coursebook design and compilation2.4.1 The definition of teaching concepts/approches2.4.2 Several teaching concepts2.5 Understanding of language teaching2.6 Preorganizer and marerial design2.7 Teaching material organization and unit elements design2.7.1 Teaching material organization elements2.7.2 Design of the elements of the units2.8 Coursebooks analysis and evaluation2.8.1 Coursebooks analysis methods2.8.2 Coursebooks assesment methods2.8.3 Domestic microscopic evaluation research reviewsChapter Three Study reviews related to warming-up section3.1 The analysis of this section3.1.1 The founction of warming-up section3.1.2 Analysis on warming-up section's advantages and disadvantages3.2 The research of warming-up section teaching3.3 The experince summary of "warming-up" section usingChapter Four Coursebooks analysis4.1 Coursebooks overview4.1.1 The component parts of teaching materials4.1.2 The design intention of warming-up section4.1.3 The relation of warming-up section and other sections4.1.4 The suggestions for teachers' teaching4.2 In-depth analysis4.3 Teaching concept4.4 Students' conceptionChapter Five The evaluation of warming-up section5.1 Evaluation method5.2 A brief evaluation of warming-up section design5.3 The practice research of warming up section teaching5.3.1 Research questions5.3.2 Research methods5.3.3 Data statistics and analysisChapter Six Conclusions and recommendations6.1 Research conclusion6.2 SuggestionsReferencesAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAcknowledgements
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