Synopsis摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction to Euphemism1.2 Introduction to Euphemism Formation Theory1.3 Introduction to Conceptual Integration Theory1.4 Purpose and Significance of the Present Research1.5 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Understanding English Euphemisms2.1 Definition of English Euphemisms2.2 Formation of English Euphemisms2.2.1 Phonemic formation devices2.2.2 Word formation devices2.2.3 Vocabulary devices2.2.4 Rhetoric devices2.3 Function and Motive of English Euphemisms2.3.1 Being polite and considerate2.3.2 Avoiding taboo2.3.3 For disguise2.4 Brief Review of English Euphemism Studies2.4.1 English euphemism studies from abroad2.4.2 English euphemisms study in China2.5 SummaryChapter Three Conceptual Integration Theory3.1 Theoretical Background3.2 An illustration to Conceptual Integration Theory3.2.1 Mental Spaces3.2.2 Input Spaces3.2.3 Cross-Space Mapping of Counterpart Connections3.2.4 Generic Space3.2.5 Blend3.2.6 Selective Projection3.2.7 Emergent Structure3.3 The Network Model of Conceptual Integration3.3.1 Mental spaces3.3.2 Cross-Space Mapping of Counterpart Connections3.3.3 Generic space3.3.4 Blending3.3.5 Selective Projection3.3.6 Three Operations Involved in Constructing the Blend3.3.7 Emergent structure3.4 SummaryChapter Four Application of Conceptual Integration Theory in Interpreting English Euphemisms4.1 Case 14.2 Case 24.3 Case 34.4 Case 44.5 SummaryChapter Five ConclusionReferencesAcknowledgements
标签:英语委婉语论文; 概念整合理论论文; 整合论文;