AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentList of Tables and FiguresChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Research Background1.1 Statement of Problem1.3 Research Questions and Hypothesis1.3.1 Research Questions1.3.2 Hypothesis1.4 Overall Structure of the ThesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 The View of Behaviorism2.2 The Input Hypothesis2.3 Output Hypotheses2.4 Cognitive Accounts of Second Language Acquisition2.5 Related Study of Recitation2.5.1 Overview of Recitation2.5.2 The Analysis of Recitation Activity2.5.2.1 Recitation and Memory2.5.2.2 Recitation Is a Kind of Language Input2.5.2.3 Recitation Can Reinforce and Perfect the Language Output2.5.2.4 Recitation Makes Creation2.5.2.5 Comparison of Reading and Recitation2.5.3 Recitation in China2.5.4 The Significance of This StudyChapter Ⅲ Empirical Study3.1 Participants3.2 Instruments3.2.1 Questionnaire3.2.2 Pretest3.2.3 Materials3.2.4 Posttest3.2.5 Interview3.3 The Implementation of the Research3.3.1 Pretest Stage3.3.2 Practice Stage3.3.3 Post-test3.3.4 Interview3.4 Data Collecting3.4.1 Scoring3.4.2 TestersChapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion4.1 Result4.1.1 Oral Performance and Statistical Analysis4.1.2 Writing Performance and Statistical Analysis4.1.3 The Result of Interview4.1.4 The Comparison of the Effects of Recitation and Reading Aloud4.2 Discussions4.2.1 Problems of College Students' Language Learning4.2.1.1 Chinese Student are Calling for Sufficient and Suitable Language Input4.2.1.2 Output of Student is Even Rare in China4.2.1.3 Positive Motivation of Student should be Advocated4.3 Major Findings from the Empirical Studies4.3.1 Recitation Can Strengthen the Learners' Memorizing of New Words4.3.2 Getting Rid of the Interference and the Negative Transfer of the Chinese4.3.3 Turning the Explicit Knowledge into Implicit Knowledge4.3.4 Help the Student Foster a Positive Attitude toward English StudyChapter Ⅴ Implications and Suggestions5.1 Some Implications to the Teachers' Teaching Methodology5.2 Some Suggestions on the Effective Recitation5.2.1 Encourage the Students to Choose Their Recitation Material by themselves5.2.2 Good Recitation Materials Are Necessary5.2.3 Some Recitation Skills Are Advised5.2.4 Persistence and Reinforcement Are Required through-out the Recitation PracticeChapter Ⅵ Conclusion6.1 Conclusion6.2 Limitations and Future Plan of This StudyReferencesAppendix Ⅰ QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅱ Pretest PaperAppendix Ⅲ Posttest PaperAppendix Ⅳ Some Passages from the Experiment MaterialAppendix Ⅴ InterviewsAppendix Ⅵ Scoring Criteria of College English Oral PerformanceAppendix Ⅶ Scoring Criteria of CET4 Writing Performance
标签:英语论文; 背诵论文; 口语论文; 写作论文;