AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 General Introduction1.2 Definition of Indirect Anaphora1.2.1 NP1’s Form1.2.2 NP2’s Form1.2.3 The Cognitive Mechanism of Indirect Anaphora ResolutionChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Relevant Key Concepts in the Study of Indirect Anaphora2.1.1 Definiteness2.1.2 Context2.1.3 Clause2.2 Relevant Researches on Indirect Anaphora Home and AboardChapter 3 A Comparative Analysis of Indirect Anaphora in Novels and Poetry.3.1 Case Comparison in Novels and Poetry3.2 Reasons for the Differences3.2.1 The Special Linguistic Form3.2.2 Employment of Images3.2.3 Different Understanding and Gradable Appreciation of Poetry3.2.4 Fuzziness of Poetry3.3 Redefinition of the Anaphor’s Form in Poetry3.4 SummaryChapter 4 A CBT-based Interpretation4.1 Conceptual Blending Theory4.2 The Analysis of Some Cases4.2.1 The Relations between Possible Antecedents4.2.2 Case Analysis4.3 Aesthetic Significance4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestions for Further Studies5.1 Major Conclusions5.2 Suggestions for Further ResearchesReferences
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