本文研究了西南边远地区高中学生英语课堂学习焦虑与学习成就之间的关系。在过去一年半的时间里,笔者在西南边远地区一所高中对高三年级两个班的学生进行了研究。问卷调查与数据分析显示,高中学生英语课堂学习焦虑与学习成就之间负相关,也就是说,在某种程度上,学生的学习焦虑度越高,学习成就越低。同时通过对学生研究前后两次考试成绩与问卷数据的对比性研究证明,笔者在课堂教学中采用的教学方法与策略对降低学生英语课堂学习焦虑起着积极作用。也进一步表明,在以学生为主体的课堂中,老师对学生的指导和帮助作用仍然是举足轻重的。 本文尝试从理论和实践层面来论证教师合理使用教学方法与策略对降低学生课堂学习焦虑,提高学习成绩的影响。全文共分五章:第一章介绍了研究的目的和意义。第二章阐释了焦虑的定义,回顾了国内外对学生课堂学习焦虑与学习成就关系的研究成果,并进行评价和分析,找到本研究的突破口。第三章详细介绍了研究方法,对象,操作程序以及笔者在研究期间为降低学生课堂学习焦虑,提高学习成绩所采用的教学方法与策略。第四章利用世界闻名的SPSS软件处理了问卷数据和考试成绩,报告了研究结果并进行了讨论。第五章总结了研究成果,指出研究的局限(样本少,覆盖面小),并提出本研究今后进一步值得研究的方向。
Statement of AuthorshipAcknowledgementAbstract中文摘要CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY1.1 Introduction1.2 Background of the study1.3 The focus of the study1.4 The significance of the study1.5 Outline of the study1.6 ConclusionCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Introduction2.2 Definition of anxiety2.3 Previous studies2.3.1 Previous studies abroad2.3.2 Previous studies at home2.4 ConclusionCHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Introduction3.2 The aims and the research questions3.3 Research design3.3.1 The research instruments3.3.2 Participants3.4 Study steps3.4.1 Preparation period3.4.2 Implementation period3.5 Concrete implementation of the study3.5.1 Questionnaire3.5.2 Data collection3.5.3 Data analysis3.6 Measures taken in my teaching3.6.1 Building positive learning affects during English acquisition3.6.1.1 Making students to have initiative in their learning and develop an interest in English3.6.1.2 Building up students' confidence of learning English and reducing their learning anxiety3.6.2 Using teaching methods more effectively3.6.3 Emotional teaching to build a harmonious environment3.7 ConclusionCHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION4.1 Introduction4.2 Similarities of the two groups in the scores of last term (Pre-test)4.3 Report on the procedure of the research4.4 Result to the first research question4.5 Explanation of the results to the second research question4.5.1 The similarities between the two groups at the beginning of the research4.5.2 The differences between the two groups at the end of the research4.6 The change taken place in the Experiment Group during the research period on questionnaires4.7 Participants' evaluation of the research4.8 ConclusionCHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION5.1 Introduction5.2 Major findings5.2.1 Students' anxiety in English classroom affecting English learning and result5.2.2 Measures taken in English teaching process reducing the anxiety in English classroom5.3 Recommendation for further study5.4 ConclusionLIST OF TABLESTable 3-1 Profiles of the participantTable 4-1 Descriptive statistic of the two groups' last term scores in English learningTable 4-2 The Experiment GroupTable 4-3 The Comparison GroupTable 4-4 Descriptive statistic of the students' second Questionnaire scoreTable 4-5 Descriptive statistic of the final examination scoresTable 4-6 Descriptive statistic of the students' Questionnaire scores (Ⅰ & Ⅱ) of the Experiment GroupREFERENCESAPPENDICESAPPENDIX Ⅰ Examination and Questionnaire scores Class 2 (Comparison Group)Appendix Ⅱ Examination and Questionnaire scores Class 6 (Experiment Group)Appendix Ⅲ Chinese Version of the QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅳ Questionnaire Ⅰ and Ⅱ Statistic Data (the experiment group)
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标签:英语学习论文; 课堂焦虑论文; 实验结果论文;