英文摘要摘要ACKNOWLEDGMENTS致谢详细摘要论文概述General introductionPart I Bibliography1. Introduction2. Mass transport2.1 General introduction about mass transport2.2 Recent advancements in the study of mass transportMass transport in microfluidic systems and 1ab-on-chipsMass transport in polymersMass transport in biological and pharmaceutical areas3. Establishment of concentration profiles3.1 Evolution of concentration profiles3.2 Techniques of establishing concentration profiles3.2.1 Optical and spectroscopic methodsInfrared spectroscopyUltraviolet- visible (UV-visible) spectroscopyRaman spectroscopyThe other techniques3.2.2 Electrochemical methodsElectrochemical detection with potentiometric modeElectrochemical detection in amperometric mode4. Mapping concentration profiles with ultramicroelectrodes as local probes4.1 About ultramicroelectrodes4.1.1 Introduction of UMEs4.1.2 Advantages of UMEs and their applicationsAdvantages of UMEsApplications of UMEs4.2 UMEs in amperometric mode as local probes4.2.1 Controlled amperometric detection4.2.2 Steady state amperometric detection5. ConclusionPart II Applications of mapping concentration profiles on the study of the role of spontaneous convection in mass transport1. Introduction2. Model describing the contribution of spontaneous convectionto mass transport2.1 Establishment of the model2.1.1 Nernst diffusion layer model2.1.2 Introduction of fluid particles and spatial-dependent Dconv2.1.3 General equation of mass transport with diffusion / convection in one direction2.1.4 Evolution of the diffusion coefficient Dconv as a function of space2.1.5 Introduction of the apparent diffusion coefficient Dapp2.2 Steady state diffusion imposed by spontaneous convection2.2.1 Value of the convection layer thickness2.2.2 Expression of the steady state concentration profile2.3 Transition from transient diffusion to steady state diffusion2.4 Competition between spontaneous convection and non-planar diffusion for the accomplishment of the steady state3 Study of the role of spontaneous convection during cyclic voltammetry3.1 Theory3.2 Experimental3.2.1 Concentration profiles mapped at different potentials during cyclic voltammetry3.2.2 Cyclic voltammograms at different scan rates4 Competition between spontaneous convection and non-planar diffusion4.1 Theory4.1.1 Steady-state. regimesSteady state with pure diffusionSteady state controlled by spontaneous convectionIsoconcentration lines on the surface of the electrode4.1.2 Elaboration of a zone diagram4.1.3 Diagram describing the transitions between the different zonesTransition between convection and diffusionOther transitionsDiagram describing the transitions between the different zones4.2 Experimental concentration profiles5 Discussion and conclusionPart III Study of density gradients inducing convection through mapping concentrations profiles in the diffusion layer of an electrode1. Introduction2. TheoryContribution of density gradients inducing convection to mass transport3. Experimental3.1 About the experimental setup3.2 Study of chronoamperometric behaviours with only spontaneous convection and diffusion as the forms of mass transportTransient chronoamperometric behaviours as the function of the electrode size3.3 Study of density gradients inducing convection3.3.1 Effects of density gradients inducing convection on the chronoamperometric currents3.3.2 Study of the effects of the density gradients inducing convection through the model of spontaneous convection and diffusionlayer'>Evolution of the diffusion layer thickness δlayerapp)'>Evolution of the diffusion layer thickness estimated from the current (δapp)layerstat and δ conv' estimated from δappstat'>Comparison between the convection layer thickness 5conv estimated from δlayerstat and δ conv' estimated from δappstat4. ConclusionPart IV Study of the contributions of migration and spontaneous convection to mass transport through monitoring steady state concentration profiles in the diffusion layer of an electrode1. Introduction2. Establishment of theoretical concentration profiles2.1 Mass transport with diffusion,migration and convection2.1.1 Equations of mass transport with diffusion, migration and convection2.1.2 Resolution of the mass transport equationsIntroduction of dimensionless parametersBoundary conditionsSteady state concentration profiles2.2 Tracing steady state concentration profiles2.2.1 Reduction of a neutral species with (z, n) being equal to(0,+1)2.2.2 Oxidation of a species A+ with (z, n) as (+1, -1)3. Experimental concentration profilesz+ and B(z-n)+ on the UME probes'>3.1 Experimental currents of Az+ and B(z-n)+ on the UME probes3.2 Experimental concentration profiles3.2.1 Reduction of Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) as (z,n) = (0,+1)3.2.2 Oxidation of (Ferrocenylmethyl) trimethylammonium hexafluorophosphate (FcNMe3+, PF6-)4. ConclusionPart V Mapping concentration profiles in the diffusion layer of an enzyme-modified electrode: 1. fabrication of enzyme-modified electrodes.1. Introduction2. Mechanism of the chemical polymerisation3. Experimental3.1 Chemicals and reagents3.2 Electrode fabrication3.3 Measurements4. Results and discussion4.1 Time dependence of the polymerization and Pt nanoparticles deposition4.2 Characterization of GOD/Pt/PPy electrode4.3 Electrochemical methods to characterize GOD/Pt/PPy electrode in comparison with GOD/PPy electrode and GOD electrode4.4 Reproducibility and stability of the GOD/Pt/PPy electrode5. ConclusionsGeneral conclusionAppendix ExperimentalA1. ChemicalsA1.1 Electroactive reactantsA1.2 Supporting electrolytesA1.3 SolventsA2. Electrodes fabricationA2.1 Fabrication of a classical electrodeA2.2 UME fabrication and characterizationA2.2.1 UME fabricationA2.2.2 UME characterizationA3. Experimental setup and proceduresA3.1. Experimental setup and procedure in diluted solutionsA3.2. Experimental setup and procedure in concentrated solutionsA4 Experimental conditionsA4.1 Experimental conditions for "concentration profiles mapped at different potentials during cyclic voltammetry " (Part.II.3.2.1)A4.2 Experimental conditions for" Cyclic voltammtries at different scan rates to study the effects of spontaneous convection "(Part.II.3.2.2)A4.3 Experimental conditions for "Competition between spontaneous convection and non-planar diffusion "(Part.II.4.2))A4.4 Experimental conditions for "Study of density gradients inducing convection through mapping concentrations profiles in the diffusion layer of an electrode "(Part.III. 3)A4.5 Experimental conditions for "Reduction of Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) as (z, n) = (0, +1) " (Part.IV.3.2.1)A4.6 Experimental conditions for "Oxidation of (Ferrocenylmethyl)-trimethylammonium hexafluorophosphate (FcNMe3+, PF6-)"(Part.IV.3.2.2)Appendix Program. Simulations of steady state concentration profiles in the diffusion layer of different-sized electrodesReferences
标签:电化学论文; 迁移论文; 电泳论文; 自发对流论文; 浓度梯度论文; 迁移层论文; 浓度曲线论文; 超微电极论文; 修饰电极论文;