
地热资源的直接利用在中国已有很多年的历史,同时也有少部分地热间接应用于发电;热泉水的治病特性在中国的一些地方受到群众的广泛赞誉。热泉水的温度范围在37℃-96℃之间,PH 值在6.3—8.7 范围内变动,但是从蒸汽喷气孔和火山气孔处采集到的冷凝物却有较低的PH 值(<4.5)和较低TDS 值(<250ppm)。在也门西部地区(火山岩区)的热水主要有两种类型,它们是Na-HC03 型和Na(K)一Cl 型。然而该地区的地表水化学组分却与世界其他地方的相同,为典型的Ca(Mg)-HC()3型水。研究表明,热泉泉水的类型与地壳深处的岩浆房以及该地区火山岩的化学组分有关。在构造上,这些火山杂岩平行于红海延伸方向,与该方向的N—Nw 向断裂有关,部分与相对较浅的第三纪碱性侵入体有关,还有的与NE—SE、E—W 和NE.Sw 向断裂相关, 这一系列断裂均与红海延伸方向或阿旦湾延伸方向平行。中国东北的长白山地区,为白垩纪玄武岩广泛分布的区,这里的多座热泉的化学组分已经得到了详细的研究,此外还有详尽资料描述了该地区区域地热特性。鞍山市的地热田包括很多发育在第四纪沉积物中的热泉或热水井,这些第四纪沉积物直接覆盖在元古宙的变质花岗岩或者古生代碳酸岩之上。该地区热泉或热水井的温度范围为49℃-96℃,PH 的变化范围8.74-9.02,地热水为Na(K)-C1-S 型。该地区地热水可以用于鞍山市的取暖系统,或者用于医疗治病。通过对也门和中国东北的热泉的研究,揭示了热泉水的类型和区域岩石类型的关系,那就是:当热泉水沿着岩石裂隙从地下流向地表的时候,其泉水类型由流经区的岩石化学组成决定(水石反应)。
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND THESIS OBGECTIVES1.1 General Information and location the research area1.2 Previous study on thermal springs in Yemen1.3 General information on Geothermal of China1.4 History of Review1.5 Northeastern China1.6 The Objectives of the Present StudyCHAPTER 2 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGY OF YEMEN2.1 Introduction2.2 Archean-Proterozoic Basement2.3 Phanerozoic Sedimentary Rocks2.3.1 Cambro-Ordovician / Permo-Carboniferous2.3.1.1 Wajid Sandstone2.3.1.2 Permian: Akbra Shale2.3.1.3 Other Palaeozoic Strata2.3.2 L-M Jurassic2.3.2.1 Kohlan Sandstone2.3.2.2 Jurassic Amran Group2.3.3 Cretaceous-Tertiary2.3.3.1 Palaeocene-Oligocene: Hadramaut Group2.3.3.2 Palaeocene – Eocene: Suqatra2.3.3.3 Neogene: Tihama Plain and Red Sea2.3.3.4 Post-Miocene: Tihama Plain and offshore2.3.4 Quaternary: Yemen2.3.4.1 Eocene-Oligocene: Western Yemen2.3.4.2 Eocene-Pleistocene: Western Yemen2.4 Structure and Tectonics of Yemen2.4.1 Central Block2.4.2 North-West2.4.3 Ramlat As Sab’atayn Graben2.4.4 Ad Dali Graben2.4.5 Red Sea Rift Basin2.5 Geological History2.6 Geology of Northeastern ChinaCHAPTER 3 GEOCHEMICAL METHODS FOR EXPLORATION OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ON THE SURFACE3.1 Introduction3.2 Type and importance of surface thermal manifestations3.2.1 Hot Springs3.2.2 Fumaroles3.2.3 Geysers3.2.4 Geothermal system3.3 Sampling and analysis of geothermal fluids3.3.1 Geothermal liquids3.3.2 Fieldwork3.4 Types of thermal waters3.4.1 Chloride rich waters3.4.2 Sulphate rich waters3.4.3 Bicarbonate waters3.5 Methods to interpret chemical data during hydrogeochemical prospecting3.6 Geothermometers of thermal water can be classified in two groupsCHAPTER 4 THERMAL SPRINGS OF WESTERN YEMEN AND THEIR GEOTHERMOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS4.1 Introduction4.2 Volcanic activities with geothermal potential in Western Yemen4.3 Structural setting4.4 Seismic Activity4.4.1 The catalogue of earthquakes and volcanic activity (1991) gave the following on Yemen4.4.2 Earthquakes During the period of4.4.3 Statistical analyzing of seismic data4.4.4 Seismicity of Western Yemen (Central Plateau) Dhamar Area4.4.4.2 Al-Udayn Region4.4.4.3 Hiddan area4.4.4.4 Al Qafr area4.4.4.5 Hajja-Al-Tawilla area4.4.5 Seismicity of Southwestern Plateau4.4.5.1 Hais area4.4.5.2 Wazeia -Madariba area4.5 Western Yemen hot springs, earthquakes and landslides4.6 Thermal Features and Western Yemen thermal springs4.6.1 Field work4.6.2 Methodology4.6.3 Sana’a area thermal springs4.6.3.1 Hammam Ali, Al-Haimah Ad-Dakhiliyah4.6.3.2 Hammam Jaref4.6.3.3 Jabal Mahyeen-Hammam Ali and Wadi Surdod4.6.4 Dhamar Area thermal springs4.6.4.1 Mineral Water of Hammam Ali A’nis4.6.4.2 Al-Lisi and Hammam Isbil Fumaroles4. Introduction4. Geological setting of the area4. Precambrian4. Cretaceous Tawilah formation4. Tertiary Volcanic, Yemen Trap Serious (YTS) Quaternary4. Tectonic Setting4. Estimated temperature4.6.4.3 Hammam Juma’ah4.6.4.4 Hammam Al-Uqur4.6.4.5 Hammam Seiban4.6.4.6 Wadi Malaha4.6.5 Ibb area thermal springs4.6.6 Ta’iz area thermal springs4.6.6.1 The western plateau4.6.6.2 Hammam Resyan4.6.6.3 Hammam At-Twoair4.6.6.4 Hammam Ad-Durabi4.6.6.5 Wadi Al-Barh4.6.6.6 Hammam Wadi Al Majsalah,4.6.7 Al-Hudaidah area thermal springs4.6.7.1 Hamma Al-Imam4.6.7.2 Hamam As Sukhnah4.6.8 Geochemical Results on the thermal waters of Western Yemen4.6.9 Heat Flow and Geothermal Gradient of Yemen4.6.10 Chemical Geothermometry4.6.11 TpographyCHAPTER 5 THERMAL SPRINGSIN OF AD DALA AND KIRSH AREAS5.1 Ad-Dhala area thermal springs5.1.1 Damt thermal springs5.1.1.1 Geology and structure5.1.1.2 Geochemical analysis5.1.1.3 Geothermometrics5.2 Kirsh thermal springs areaCHAPTER 6 GEOTHERMAL SYSTEM IN NORTHEAST (NE) CHINA6.1 Changbaishan area thermal springs6.1.1 Introduction6.1.2 Geological setting6.1.3 Sampling and analytical methods6.1.4 Analytical results6.1.5 Geothermometrics6.2 Anshan area well springs6.2.1 Regional Geological Background6.2.1.1 Strata6.2.1.2 Igneous rocks6.2.2 Structural geology6.2.2.1 NE-SW faults6.2.2.2 E-W Faults6.2.2.3 NW-SE faults6.2.3 Methodology6.2.4 Chemical Results6.2.5 Estimated Temperatures6.3 Geothermal energy in China6.3.1 Introduction6.3.2 The geotemperature and geothermal gradients in ChinaCHAPTER 7 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY DIRECT USES7.1 Chemical thermal springs water uses7.1.1 Bicarbonate waters7.1.2 Sulfur and Sulfates7.1.3 Chlorides7.1.4 The benefit of cations in the thermal waters7.1.4.1 Benefits of Magnesium7.1.4.2 Benefits of Potassium7.1.4.3 Benefits of Sodium:7.2 Geothermal use for balneology7.3 Geothermal Resources7.4 Geothermal energy direct uses7.4.1 Geothermal heat pumps7.4.2 Space heating7.4.3 Greenhouse and covered ground heating7.4.4 Aquaculture pond and raceway heating7.4.5 Agricultural crop drying7.4.6 Industrial process heat7.4.7 Snow melting and space cooling7.4.8 Bathing and swimming7.4.9 Categories of utilizationCONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONRecommendationsREFERENCESAbstract摘要ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS导师简介作者简介
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标签:地热论文; 热泉论文; 地球化学论文; 也门论文; 白山长论文; 鞍山论文;