
Synopsis摘要List of abbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of this study1.2 The necessity for C-E translation of PSs in China1.2.1 The necessity for C-E translation of PSs:An economic perspective1.2.2 The necessity for C-E translation of PSs:A tourist perspective1.2.3 The necessity for C-E translation of PSs:Cultural and educational perspectives1.2.4 The necessity for C-E translation of PSs:An Olympic perspective1.3 Research on translation of PSs in China1.3.1 Public opinions on translation of PSs in China1.3.2 Academic researches on translation of PSs in China1.3.3 Limitations of previous researches1.4 Scope and objective of this study1.5 Data collection and research methodology for this study1.6 Organization of this thesisChapter 2 A Brief Introduction to PSs2.1 Definition of PSs in China2.1.1 Definition of signs in English2.1.2 Definition of PSs in Chinese2.2 Indications of PSs2.2.1 Static indication2.2.2 Dynamic indication2.3 Functional features of PSs2.3.1 Directing function2.3.2 Prompting function2.3.3 Restricting function2.3.4 Compelling function2.4 Stylistic features of PSs2.4.1 Nouns and noun phrases2.4.2 Verbs and gerunds2.4.3 Abbreviations2.4.4 No use of the uncommonly used words2.4.5 Combination of letters and pictures2.4.6 Simple present tense2.4.7 Imperative sentences2.4.8 Standard and idiomatic phrases2.4.9 Conciseness and directness2.4.10 PSs with local characteristicsChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Functionalism3.1.1 A short history of functionalism3.1.1.1 Katharina Reiss3.1.1.2 Hans J.Vermeer3.1.1.3 Justa Holz-Manttari3.1.1.4 Christiane Nord3.1.2 Basic terms related with functionalism3.1.2.1 Definition of function3.1.2.2 Definitions of initiator,translator,and receiver3.1.3 Application of Skopostheorie to translation of PSs3.2 IC3.2.1 A short history of IC study3.2.2 Basic terms related with IC3.2.2.1 Definition of communication3.2.2.2 Definition of culture3.2.2.3 Definition of IC3.2.3 Language and culture3.2.3.1 Thinking patterns3.2.3.2 Language barriers3.2.3.3 Cultural context3.2.4 Application of IC to translation of PSs3.3 Classification of translation of PSs3.3.1 Translation of universal PSs3.3.2 Translation of PSs with Chinese characteristicsChapter 4 Translation of Universal PSs4.1 Translation of directional PSs4.1.1 Mistranslated examples4.1.2 Model versions4.2 Translation of PSs beginning with "No"4.2.1 Mistranslated examples4.2.2 The basic usage of PSs beginning with "No" "No+noun" "No+doing" "No+noun/doing+allowed" "No+noun/doing+to be done"4.3 Translation of warning PSs4.3.1 Mistranslated examples4.3.2 The basic usage of warning PSs4.3.2.1 Warning PSs containing the word "caution" Warning PSs containing the word "warning" Warning PSs containing the word "emergency" Warning PSs containing the word "danger" Warning PSs containing the word "beware"4.4 Translation of prompting PSs4.4.1 Mistranslated examples4.4.2 Model versions4.5 Translation of PSs for behavior4.5.1 Mistranslated examples4.5.2 Model versions4.5.2.1 PSs demanding certain ways of behavior4.5.2.2 PSs prohibiting certain ways of behavior4.5.2.3 PSs advocating certain ways of behavior4.6 Translation of PSs for procedures4.6.1 Mistranslated examples4.6.2 Model versions4.7 Translation of PSs for regulations4.7.1 Mistranslated examples4.7.2 Model versions4.8 Translation of PSs for daily schedules4.8.1 Mistranslated examples4.8.2 Model versions4.9 Translation of PSs for prices and fees4.9.1 Mistranslated examples4.9.2 Model versions4.10 Translation of PSs for shop names4.10.1 Mistranslated examples4.10.2 Translation of PSs for shop namesChapter 5 Translation of PSs with Chinese Characteristics5.1 Translation of PSs for names of Chinese dishes5.1.1 Mistranslated examples5.1.2 Translation of PSs for names of Chinese dishes5.1.2.1 Examples of signs for names of Western dishes5.1.2.2 Translation strategy for PSs for names of Chinese dishes5.2 Translation of PSs giving introductions to scenic spots5.2 1 Mistranslated examples5.2.2 Model versions5.2.3 Translation strategy for PSs giving introductions to scenic spots5.2.3.1 Compensation5.2.3.2 Pinyin plus free translation5.2.3.3 Revision5. Revision of sentence structure5. Revision of styleChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 A general summary6.2 Limitations and suggestionsBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:公示语汉英翻译论文; 功能主义理论论文; 跨文化交际论文;