Abstract摘要ChapterⅠ Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Purpose of the study1.3 Methodology, data collection and significance of the thesisChapterⅡ A Brief Survey of the Studies of Chinese Loanword Translation2.1 Definition of loanwords and their translation2.2 Classification of loanwords2.3 A brief review of the lexical borrowing of the Chinese language2.4 A Literature review of the studies of Chinese loanwords2.4.1 The characters and sinicization of loanwords2.4.2 The origin of Chinese loanwords2.4.3 The influence of loanword translation on Chinese grammar2.4.4 Problem and prospect of the study of Chinese loanwordsChapterⅢ Morphological Influence of Loanwords on the Chinese Language3.1 Analysis of Chinese morphemes3.1.1 Root words3.1.2 Affixes3.1.3 Bound roots3.2 Loanword translation and morphological evolution in modern Chinese language3.2.1 Loanword translation and new bound roots3.2.2 Loanword translation and new free words3.2.3 Loanword translation and proliferation of affixes3.3 SummaryChapterⅣ Semantic Influence of Loanword Translation on the Chinese Language4.1 Semantic change and motivations for the change4.1.1 Sememes and semantic field4.1.2 Motivations for semantic change4.2 Lexica-semantic influence of loanword translation on modern Chinese language4.2.1 Change in evaluation4.2.2 Semantic transference4.2.3 Semantic extension4.3 SummaryChapterⅤ ConclusionAcknowledgementsBibliography
标签:外来词翻译论文; 现代汉语论文; 词素变化论文; 语义变化论文;