摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background and motivation1.1.1 Introduction and development situation of 3G1.1.2 Mobile value-added services (MVAS)1.1.3 3G mobile value-added services1.2 Aims and significance of the research1.2.1 Research aims1.2.2 Research significance1.3 Research participants selection1.4 Research methods and framework1.4.1 Research methods1.4.2 Research process and procedure1.4.3 Structure and main contentChapter 2 Literature review2.1 Basic theories2.1.1 Theory of reasoned action (TRA)2.1.2 Theory of planned behavior (TPB)2.1.3 Technology acceptance model (TAM)2.1.4 Technology acceptance model2 (TAM2)2.1.5 The unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)2.1.6 Innovation diffusion theory (IDT)2.2 Research status of 3G MVASs2.2.1 Research status of MVAS adoption (not classified)2.2.2 Research status of a certain MVAS adoption2.3 The analysis of the existing research2.4 Difference of three definitions2.4.1 Definition of mobile commerce (MC)2.4.2 Definition of mobile data services (MDS)2.4.3 Compare of the definitionsChapter 3 Conceptual Model and Hypotheses3.1 Research orientation3.1.1 Basic theory of the research3.1.2 Research angle3.2 Integration model of TAM and IDT3.2.1 Relevance of TAM and IDT3.2.2 Researches about Integration with IDT & TAM and formation of the Integration model3.2.3 Hypotheses about the integration model3.3 External variables of the integration model of TAM&IDT and the related hypotheses3.3.1 Hypotheses about personal innovativeness (PI)3.3.2 Hypotheses about perceived enjoyment (PE)3.3.3 Hypotheses about perceived cost (PC)3.4 Research model and reference of the hypotheses3.4.1 Reference of the hypotheses3.4.2 Research modelChapter 4 Research Design and Methodology4.1 Definition of the variables4.2 Questionnaire forming4.2.1 Process of questionnaire forming4.2.2 Questionnaire structure and item design4.3 Research participants and sampling4.3.1 Sample size4.3.2 Research participantsChapter 5 Data analysis5.1 Sample overview5.2 Validity analysis5.3 Reliability analysis5.4 Hypothesis test and results analysis5.4.1 Regression analysis of attitude5.4.2 Regression analysis of intention5.4.3 Regression analysis of perceived usefulness5.4.4 Regression analysis of perceived ease of use5.4.5 Regression analysis of perceived enjoymentConclusionInnovation of the researchThe main contributionSuggestions for mobile operatorsDirection of future researchAcknowledgementReferencesPublication during graduate yearsAppendix
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