AcknowledgementsAbstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)List of FiguresChapter I Introduction1.1 The object of the study1.2 Research questions of this thesis1.3 Theoretical framework1.4 Methodology used in this thesis1.5 Overview of this thesis1.6 Findings of this thesisChapter II Literature Review2.1 Introductory remarks2.2 The study of parody inside rhetorical field2.2.1 The definition of parody2.2.2 The classification of parody2.2.3 The functions of parody2.2.4 Parody and other related terms2.2.4.1 Parody and imitation2.2.4.2 Parody and zeugma2.3 The study of parody outside rhetorical field2.3.1 Pragmatic study of parody2.3.2 Cognitive study of parody2.4 SummaryChapter III Theoretical framework3.1 Introductory remarks3.2 Langacker’s theory of autonomy/dependence alignment3.3 Professor Xu Shenghuan’s further study of autonomy/dependence3.4 Professor Xu Shenghuan’s Autonomy-Dependence Analysis Framework3.4.1 The hypotheses underlying the framework3.4.2 The connotation of the framework3.4.3 The constraints of the framework3.4.3.1 Subcategory constraint3.4.3.2 Proximity/similarity constraint3.4.3.3 Nipping-along(拈连)constraint3.5 The framework of parody3.6 SummaryChapter IV The close observation of parody4.1 Introductory remarks4.2 The derivation relation between a source and its parody expression4.3 Non-arbitrariness of the production of parody expressions4.4 Dependence of parody expressions’understanding4.5 SummaryChapter V Cognitive analysis of parody’s production5.1 Introductory remarks5.2 Construction of parody expressions5.2.1 Substitution5.2.1.1 Phonetic similarity substitution5.2.1.2 Semantic similarity substitution5.2.2 Movement5.2.3 Insertion5.3 The motivation of parody's production5.4 The production mechanism of parody5.5 Source constraints5.6 The objective reason of parody’s production5.7 SummaryChapter VI Cognitive analysis of parody’s understanding6.1 Introductory remarks6.2 The similarity between a source and its parody expression6.2.1 Structure similarity6.2.2 Phonetic similarity6.2.3 Component similarity6.3 The understanding of parody expressions6.4 SummaryChapter VII Conclusion7.1 Concluding remarks7.2 The significance of the study7.3 Unsolved questionsBibliography
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