读研期间论文发表情况AcknowledgementsAbstract (English Version)Abstract (Chinese Version)Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Teaching and Testing2.2 Language Knowledge in Language Tests2.3 The Importance of English Grammar Testing2.4 Categories of Language Tests2.4.1 Proficiency Tests2.4.2 Discrete-point Tests2.4.3 Objective Tests2.5. Test Evaluation Criteria2.5.1 Validity2.5.2 Reliability2.6 Theories of Building the Item bank2.6.1 The Item Bank2.6.2 Classical Test Theory2.6.2.1 Facility value2.6.2.2 Discrimination2.6.3 Item Response Theory (IRT)2.6.4 Comparison between CTT and IRT2.6.4.1 The Rasch (One-parameter) Model and Item BankingChapter Three Theoretical Basis for the Study3.1 The Application of Discriminant Analysis3.2 The Types of Discriminant Analysis3.3 Fisher's Discriminant Analysis (FDA)Chapter Four Research Methodology4.1 The Graded Item Bank4.2 Test Construction4.2.1 Choosing the Samples4.2.2 The Test Specifications4.2.3 A Panel and Its Training4.2.4 Calculating Facility4.2.5 Predicting Validity4.2.6 Scoring Criterion4.2.7 Pilot Testing4.2.8 Pretesting4.3 Data Collection and the Analysis4.3.1 Data Collection4.3.2 Instruments4.3.3 The Analysis of Test Scores4.3.4 Discriminant Analysis4.4 The Practical ApplicationChapter Five Results and the Analysis5.1 The Analysis of the Test Scores5.2 The Development of Discriminant Data and the Discussion of the ResultsChapter Six ConclusionReferencesAppendixⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAppendix ⅤAppendix ⅥAppendix ⅦAppendix ⅧAppendix ⅨAppendixⅩAppendixⅪAppendix ⅫAppendix ⅩⅢ
标签:语法等级测试论文; 等级题库论文; 判别分析论文; 判别数据论文;