Acknowledgements摘要AbstractCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Need for the Study1.2 Overview of the ThesisCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Theoretical Background2.1.1 Definition of key terms2.1.1.1 Frequency2.1.1.2 Reading-to-write tasks2.1.2 The role of frequency in language learning2.2 Empirical Studies on Frequency2.2.1 Frequency and vocabulary acquisition2.2.2 Frequency and language comprehension2.2.2.1 Frequency and listening2.2.2.2 Frequency and reading2.2.3 Frequency and language production2.2.3.1 Frequency and speaking2.2.3.2 Frequency and writing2.3 Research GapsCHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Reading-to-write tasks3.3.2 Interviews3.4 Data Collection3.4.1 Data collection of pilot study3.4.2 Data collection of main study3.5 Data Analysis3.5.1 Analysis of language use3.5.2 Structure analysis3.5.3 Content analysis3.5.4 Statistical analysis3.5.5 Analysis of interview dataCHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION4.1 The Effects of requency on the Use of Language4.1.1 Changes in writing flency4.1.2 Changes in writing accuracy4.1.3 Changes in syntactic complexity4.1.4 Changes in lexical complexity4.1.5 Summary of the frequency effects on CAF4.2 The Effects of Frequency on Text Structure4.2.1 Changes in structure at the essay level4.2.2 Changes in structure at the paragraph level4.3 The Effects of Frequency on Text ContentCHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION5.1 Major Findings5.1.1 Frequency and the use of language5.1.2 Frequency and structure5.1.3 Frequency and content5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future ResearchREFERENCESAPPENDIXESAppendix A:Source Texts and Writing PromptAppendix B:Interview Guide for Main StudyAppendix C:Guidelines for T-units,Clauses,Word Counts,and ErrorsAppendix D:Error Categories(adapted from Ferris,2001)Appendix E:The Development of ArgumentAppendix F:Assessment for Text Struture
标签:频次论文; 二语读写任务论文; 语言使用论文; 内容论文; 结构论文;