Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 An Overview of C-E Translation of Publicity Materials1.1 The Analysis of Publicity Materials1.1.1 The Definition and Classification of Publicity Materials1.1.2 The Classification of Publicity Materials1.1.3 Some Distinctive Features of Publicity Materials1.2 History of Studies on C-E Translation of Publicity Materials1.2.1 Early Researches1.2.2 Recent Researches1.3 The Importance and Purpose of Translation of Publicity Materials1.3.1 The Importance of Translation of Publicity Materials1.3.2 The Purpose of the Translation of Publicity Materials1.4 Problems in the C-E Translation of Publicity Materials1.4.1 Translation Problems from the Linquistic Perspective1.4.2 Culture Disparity and Cultural Globalization?s Negative InfluenceChapter 2 Culture and Translation2.1 The Concept of Culture2.2 Translation and Culture2.3 An Overview of Cultural Translation in China2.3.1 Chinese Traditions of Translation2.3.2 Cultural Translation in China2.3.3 A Stylistic Case: Yan Fu?s Translation Practice on the Basis of Chinese Culture Studies2.4 Chinese Culture and C-E Translation of Publicity Materials2.4.1 Brief Introduction of Chinese Culture and Its New Development2.4.2 Chinese Culture and C-E Translation of Publicity MaterialsChapter 3 The Influence of Chinese Culture on the C-E Translation of Publicity Materials3.1 From the Macroscopic Perspective3.1.1 Thought Patterns3.1.2 Beliefs3.1.3 Environments3.1.4 Customs3.1.5 Politics3.1.6 “Chinese Flavor”Literature Styles and Phenomena3.2 From the Microscopic Perspective3.2.1 Levels of Words and Diction3.2.2 Levels of Lexical Stylistic Devices3.2.3 Levels of Syntax and Phonetic Stylistic Devices3.2.4 Levels of Exclusive “Chinese Flavor”Literature FeaturesChapter 4 How to Deal with the Chinese Cultural Factors in the C-E Translation of Publicity Materials4.1 The Classification of Chinese Cultural factors in Publicity Materials Translation4.1.1 The Chinese Cultural Factors in the Publicity Materials Identical to Cultural Factors in English4.1.2 The Chinese Cultural Factors in the Publicity Materials Similar to Cultural Factors in English4.1.3 The Chinese Cultural Factors in the Publicity Materials with Strong National Characteristics4.2 The Principles to Follow in the C-E Translation of Publicity Materials4.2.1 Cultural Overlap4.2.2 Cultural Parallelism4.2.3 Cultural Default4.3 Frequently-used Techniques in the Translation of Publicity Materials4.3.1 Explanation Translation4.3.2 Disambiguation Translation4.3.3 Omission Translation4.3.4 The Translation of Common-used Phrases in the Publicity MaterialsChapter 5 Main Strategies of Quality Control in the Publicity Materials Translation5.1 Macro-control of the Government5.2 Media Supervision5.3 Requirements for Translators5.3.1 Strong Sense of Responsibility5.3.2 Enough Accumulation of the Knowledge about Chinese Culture5.3.3 Continuous Improvement of the Professional CapabilityConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:对外宣传论文; 中国文化论文; 翻译论文; 文化因素论文;