:Long-term response of living forest biomass to extensive logging in subtropical China论文

:Long-term response of living forest biomass to extensive logging in subtropical China论文


作者(2019)在《Long-term response of living forest biomass to extensive logging in subtropical China》一文中研究指出:Forest disturbance and recovery are critical ecosystem processes, but the temporal patterns of disturbance have not been studied in subtropical China. Using a tree-ring analysis approach, we studied post-logging above-ground(ABG) biomass recovery dynamics over a26-year period in four plots with different degrees of logging disturbance. Before logging, the ABG biomass ranged from 291 to 309 t ha-1. Soon after logging, the plots in primary forest, secondary forest, mixed forest and singlespecies forest had lost 33, 91, 90 and 100% of their initial ABG biomass, respectively. Twenty-six years after logging, the plots had regained 147, 62, 80 and 92% of their original ABG biomass, respectively. Over the 26 years following logging, the mean CAI(Current annual increment) were 10.1, 5.5, 6.4 and 10.8 t ha-1a-1 and the average MAI(Mean annual increment) 8.7, 2.5, 5.6 and 7.8 t ha-1a-1 for the four forest types, respectively. The results indicate that subtropical forests subjected to moderate logging or disturbances do not require intensive management and single-species plantings can rapidly restore the above-ground biomass to levels prior to heavy logging.


Forest disturbance and recovery are critical ecosystem processes, but the temporal patterns of disturbance have not been studied in subtropical China. Using a tree-ring analysis approach, we studied post-logging above-ground(ABG) biomass recovery dynamics over a26-year period in four plots with different degrees of logging disturbance. Before logging, the ABG biomass ranged from 291 to 309 t ha-1. Soon after logging, the plots in primary forest, secondary forest, mixed forest and singlespecies forest had lost 33, 91, 90 and 100% of their initial ABG biomass, respectively. Twenty-six years after logging, the plots had regained 147, 62, 80 and 92% of their original ABG biomass, respectively. Over the 26 years following logging, the mean CAI(Current annual increment) were 10.1, 5.5, 6.4 and 10.8 t ha-1a-1 and the average MAI(Mean annual increment) 8.7, 2.5, 5.6 and 7.8 t ha-1a-1 for the four forest types, respectively. The results indicate that subtropical forests subjected to moderate logging or disturbances do not require intensive management and single-species plantings can rapidly restore the above-ground biomass to levels prior to heavy logging.


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    :Long-term response of living forest biomass to extensive logging in subtropical China论文
