
Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Purpose of the StudyChapter Two Literature Review2.1 A Review on Listening Comprehension2.1.1 Definition of Listening Comprehension2.1.2 Process of Listening Comprehension2.1.3 Factors Influencing Listening Comprehension2.1.4 A Summary of Researches on Listening Comprehension2.2 A Review of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA)2.2.1 Definition of Foreign Language Anxiety2.2.2 Classification of Foreign Language Anxiety2.2.3 Sources and Correlates of Foreign Language Anxiety2.2.4 Previous Studies on Foreign Language Anxiety2.2.5 Studies on Listening Anxiety2.2.6 A Critique of Studies on Anxiety and Listening Anxiety2.3 A Review of Metacognitive Strategies2.3.1 Learning Strategies in Foreign Language Learning2.3.2 Metacognitive Strategy and Metacognitive Strategy Training2.3.3 Studies on Metacognitve Strategies Training in English Listening Comprehension2.3.4 The relationship between metacognitive strategies and anxiety2.3.5 A Critique of Previous Studies on Metacognitve Strategy Studies2.4 Theoretical Background of the Present Study2.4.1 Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis2.4.2 Ellis' View on Individual DifferenceChapter Three Methodology3.1 Research questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale3.3.2 Listening Metacognitive Strategy Questionnaire3.4 Procedure3.4.1 Pretest3.4.2 Metacognitive Strategy Training3.4.3 An analysis of the textbook3.4.4 Sample Teaching Plan3.4.5 Post-testChapter Four Research Analysis and Discussion4.1 The Subjects' Foreign Language Listening Anxiety States4.2 The Subjects' State of Metacognitive Strategy Use in Listening Comprehension4.3 Results of the Open Question Survey4.4 Correlations between Metacognitive Strategy Use and Listening Anxiety4.5 Gender Difference Analysis in Listening Anxiety and Metacognitive Strategy Use4.5.1 Gender difference analysis in listening anxiety4.5.2 Gender difference analysis in metacognitive strategy use4.6 The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Training in Reducing Listening Anxiety of Junior Middle School Students4.6.1 The comparisons between experimental class and control class in FLLA and MS by independent sample t-test4.6.2 The comparisons between experimental class and control class in FLLA and MSChapter Five Pedagogical Implications and limitations5.1 Pedagogical Implications5.2 LimitationsConclusionReferencesAppendix 1Appendix 2Acknowledgements
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标签:听力焦虑论文; 元认知策略论文; 相关性论文; 元认知策略培训论文;